Waterdavian cell of Cult of the Dragon
Мировоззрение: Нейтрально Злое
Доминирующие расы, классы, религии: основную часть Культа Дракона в данный момент составляют люди, истово поклоняющиеся Тиамат, что в многих случаях создает проблемы намного более прагматичным лидерам: Гальвану Синему и Фраугару.
Уровень деятельности ячейки: региональный , Сила - Глубоководье 3, Трибор - 1, Яртар - 1, Невервинтер - 1.
Уровень Силы
Размер фракции: малая
Количество активных действующих членов организации:
Лидеры организации
Глава ячейки: Фраугар Стонар Военный лидер: Фраугар Стонар Религиозный лидер: Экономический лидер: Крет Фаерхенд Глава шпионской сети в Глубоководье: Evendur Dundragon Философия, цели, задачи, убеждения: аналогичные всему Культу. Интересы аналогичные всему Культу.Типовые задания и миссии фракции
Сильные и слабые стороны
Сильные стороны
Фанатики, доступ к тайным знаниям, поддержка со стороны дьяволов ТиаматСлабые стороны
Низкая поддержка со стороны населения. Высокая законспирированость осложняет управлениеСоюзники
Городская банда Черные Ятаганы (Black Scimitars) - Городская банда Красные Стражи (RedWatches) - House Snome - House Phylund - House Zulpair - The Xanathar's Thieve's Guild - вместе торгуют наркотиками, поставляемыми Культом Дракона. Gnawbones - Фраугар Стонар договорился со Старой Грызь Костью о обмене информацией. До тех пор пока ей это выгодно - она будет выполнять условия сделки. Племена людоящеров в Топях Ящера и Топях Мертвеца -Противники
Арфисты, Альянс Лордов, Орден Латной Перчатки, Изумрудный Анклав, Зентарим - Городская банда Griffins - Грифоны Городская банда Squires - Лидером банды Сквайров является бывший ветеран Драконической войны, который терпеть не может Культ Дракона, в схватках с которым погибло его множество друзей. Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors -Структура
Культисты - ранк 1, рядовые члены Культа Коготь Дракона - ранк 3 Крыло Дракона - ранк 5 Клык Дракона - ранк 10 Душа Дракона - ранк 25, Носящий Пурпур - ранк 50, являются руководителями отдельных ячеек Драконоговорящий - ранк 50+, один из предводителей КультаСтруктура ячейки
Фаургар Стонар
Основное руководство ячейкой осуществляет Фаургар Стонар, младший брат покойного Ландера Стонара, учителя Гримдана. Фаургар Стонар, человек мужчина воин 10, НЗ, 54 г . Фаургар отличается двумя особенностями - его жестокость и подлость уступают лишь его хитрости и прозорливости. Страшное для обывателей сочетание качеств лидера ячейки Культа Дракона.Крет Фаерхенд
Экономической частью операций сил Фраугара занимается малоизвестный широкой публике дуэргар Kreth Firehand, который похоже воспринимает каждую монету в руках других как личное оскорбление. Крета всегда сопровождают два взрослых засадных дрейка, которых тот считает своими собачками.Луиза Ксистсрит
Для магической поддержки и осуществления необходимых Гальван Синий нашел в рядах уцелевших после разгрома у Колодца последователей Культа ренегата из Военных Волшебников Кормира - Luisa Xistsrith.Сора Дхирктелонис - погибла
Sora Dhyrktelonis является высокопоставленным жрецом Тиамат, которой пришлось смиряя свою гордыню работать на Культ Дракона. Тем не менее вера ее яростна и заклинания мощны. Была известна как Умара Фезим, погибла в бою в таверне Высокий Кувшин с силаим Городской Гвардии и Серых РукЭвендур Дандрагон
Фраугар получил задание от Гальвана Синего по сбору необходимых ингридиентов для воскрешения Северина. Для этого ему был дан в помощь Гартокар. Гартокар - это бывший ученик Северина, сушествующий в виде призрака, который способен занимать различные тела.Отряды, расположенные в регионе Глубоководья
Первый отряд – Банда Химеры - уничтожен
Лидер: Rega Swarn, a chaotic evil human master thief. Была убита группой авантюристов 18 Марпенота 1492 ЛД. Ashbreath, a chimera, Alevene Windcoat (погибла), veteran, Niri Bronzecrown (погибла), veteran. 15 human scouts, 6 thugs, and 4 other veterans Место базирования: Iniarv's Tower 18 Марпенота авантюристы нанесли внезапный удар и им удалось с помощью площадных заклинаний уничтожить большую часть этого отряда, захватив выживших в плен.Второй отряд
Young blue dragon, Half-blue dragon gladiator, Dragonfang x4, Dragonwing x6, Dragonclaw x10 Место базирования: Горы мечейТретий отряд
Leader: dragonsoul Adult black dragon, Dragonwing x 5, conjurer, 4 dragon cult fanatics Место базирования: Невервинтерский ЛесЧетвертый отряд
Leader: Half-green dragon assassin Young red dragon, mage, red half-dragon gladiator, dragonfang x6, dragonwing x10 Место базирования: WestwoodПятый отряд
Лидер: красный полу-дракон воитель по имени Kerkad Jerynomonis (half red dragon gladiator with Action Surge, Indomitable 2/day, Second Wind, weapon - Кобольды - 21 шт 1. Garu, kobold dragonshield 2. Galax, Kobold Alchemist ToB 3. Molo, kobold air cavalry 4. Urak, kobold air cavalry 5. Hox, Kobold Scale Sorcerer 6. Garu, kobold commando 7. Kashak, winged kobold 8. Irtos, kobold commando 9. Rotom, kobold dragonshield 10. Hagnar, kobold commando 11. Sik, winged kobold 12. Zodri, Kobold Wyrmpriest 13. Zern, Kobold Scale Sorcerer 14. Gav, Dragonwrought Sorcerer (MME) 15. Snur, winged kobold 16. Guv, Kobold Commando 17. Snad, Kobold Commando 18. Zan, Kobold Trapmaker (MME) 19. Kerba, kobold dragonshield 20. Ukko, kobold chieftain (TOB) 21. Girn, Kobold Trapsmith (TOB) Людоящеры: 1. Othokent (smart) - Dragonblood Lizardfolk Sorcerer of Tiamat 2. Aryte (war) - Lizardfolk Vanguard (MME2) 3. Jhank (hammer) - Lizardfolk Scaleshield 4. Verthica (mountain) - Lizardfolk Swampstalker (mme) 5. Vyth (steel) - Lizardfolk King 6. Achuak (green) - Lizardfolk Subchief 7. Korth (danger) - Lizardfolk Render Место базирования: @Mere Шестой отряд Leader: dragonsoul на боевом коне 4 Когтя на ездовых конях, 3 сторожевых дрейкаСедьмой отряд
Leader: Cheela Flegsteel (Wearer of Purple), Yggran (red half-dragon veteran), 4 ogres, 6 dragonfangsЭкипаж воздушного корабля
Гарнизон скрытой крепости культа
Силы культа в Глубоководье
Mage - 1, Dragonsoul - 1, Gladiator - 1, Bandit Captain - 3, Dragonwing - 3, Cult Fanatic of Tiamat - 5, Dragonfang - 5, Dragonclaw - 9, Knight of Tiamat - 4, Veteran - 9, Spy - 9, Thug - 4, Cultists - 16Корабли и их владельцы
By attempting to blackmail, buy the loyalty of, or covertly slay and replace at least two independent ship captains in all major Sword Coast ports (Luskan excepted, as it’s considered not worth the danger to try to establish anything permanent in that den of strife), the cult wishes to establish a hidden fleet. These ships can serve to ferry cult agents and material up and down the Sword Coast at the cult’s convenience, rather than having to bribe or cajole shipmasters into altering their schedules. Cult-controlled ships will carry “cover cargoes” so as to minimize the risk of being exposed for what they truly are, and to enrich cult coffers in an ongoing manner. Cult agents will spy on the doings and finances of independent ship owners who skipper their own vessels, looking for leverage (misdeeds that can be reported to authorities) or weaknesses (indebtedness, large loans coming due, recent losses) that can be used to “persuade” targeted shipmasters. The right manner of approach will be determined in consultation with cult superiors, in part because such consultation can lead to increased pressure through loans being called in, false (cult) customers buying hold space and then cancelling at the last instant leaving a captain with an empty hold and no income, when other valuable opportunities have passed, large warehouse thefts or fires, and so on. Trasker Arraskran, master of The Storm Shark - a stout old cog berthed in Waterdeep - ЗАДЕРЖАН ГОРОДСКОЙ СТРАЖЕЙ ГЛУБОКОВОДЬЯ Holdrark Mrael, master of Holdrark’s Pride - a fast and spanking new caravel he could barely afford to have finished, and is stretched with large loans to pay off, berthed in Neverwinter Gustarlus Harounshar, master of the great galleon Wave Walrus - berthed in Baldur's Gate (“Gusk” is a massively fat drunkard and gambler who makes good profits but lately loses them all at the gaming-table).Публичное заявление
Biting Blade
These undertakings include assassinating key hostile-to-the-cult border guards, caravan inspectors, and government and guild harbor spies throughout the Sword Coast—particularly in places such as Scornubel and Secomber , where cult agents or cult-subverted underlings are poised to step in as replacements. Wherever possible, such deaths are to be made to seem the result of skullduggery on the part of the murdered, either personal or illicit (they tried to double-cross smugglers or kidnappers they’d been working with, and paid the price). These deceits as to the reasons for the killings must be fashioned so as to divert attention away from possible cult connections—and ideally, toward rival organizations or government officials who’ve given the cult trouble in the past. The first target to be taken down should be Drenneth Tragarl in Скорнубель, a gruff, stolid old retired warrior who refuses all bribes and works diligently to collect every copper he can for his city, in duties on restricted goods, such as weapons and war helms, and fines for “frowned-upon” wares such as known poisons and the wine known as laethkiss . The delay here lies in arranging strong and believable false evidence for corrupt dealings on Tragarl’s part. The second should probably be the halfling Belsz Harramavur of Secomber , who has a spy network of his own and the sly mind of a swindler and smuggler, and seems almost to smell Cult deceits before they even reach him. He must perish in a way that admits no hint of the Cult having a hand in his demise—a fatal fall when escaping the bed of someone whose husband came home early, perhaps. The problem is that Harramavur seems to have no bed-partner at present, nor to be seeking one. Another alternative is the laconic, horse-faced, veteran Harper agent Kalaerra Emryl Elarrask of the Upper City in Baldur's Gate , who for too long has delighted in exposing or sabotaging cult activities in that city. The complication here is that Elarrask trains young Harpers by letting them spy on him and then report what they observed—and at any time, two or as many as six novice Harpers, not known to the cult, will be watching him.Balaedrith's Mark
Named for an idea “marked” as to be undertaken next but left undone by Waterdeep-based cult agent Indurs Balaedrith at his untimely death, this is the Stauntun undertaking writ large: the subversion to the service or at least financial support of the cult of an entire Waterdhavian noble family. The authorities of that city, and other nobles, must at all costs not even gain a hint of this, or all efforts expended will be for naught. No one outside the cult must know that the noble family has been recruited—which means that the fewer cult members who know of it, especially at lower levels, the better. The obvious impediment here is how to gain influence over a noble family of Waterdeep, and the answer is inextricably linked to that of a second question: which noble family? The cult needs one that retains sufficient wealth and influence to be useful, yet has a weakness it can exploit. Preferably not a house already suspected of serious breaking of the law or corruption by the authorities, because if so they will already be under surveillance and regarded with suspicion, which will sharply curtail chances of subverting them undetected and decrease their utility once under control, since family members will be watched and so cannot be seen to do “unusual” things without attracting even greater scrutiny. A family with valuable property holdings within the city is desirable, for they can serve to enrich the Cult with rents or by selling off the holdings judiciously. The most promising candidates seem to be the noble houses of House Phylund, House Snome, and House Zulpair.House Phylund
House Phylund’s traditional monster-selling trade has sagged due to recent disease-related deaths ravaging their stock, and the changing fashions; most noble houses no longer desire a menagerie of guardian monsters, and the rising rich “want to be nobles” largely haven’t embraced the practice of giving house room to monsters. In more recent years the Phylunds have turned to building and renting out new housing accommodation in the city, and to moneylending; the former with mixed success, and the latter disastrously. So they are nigh penniless and desperate. The current patriarch, Velmaeros, has a drinking problem and a weakness for spirited young ladies; his wife Mamaelra is an unbalanced many-maladies-embracer. There are three daughters and four sons, all of limited intellect and coarse, simple tastes. Ripe for takeover, but few holdings to exploit. Agent of Cult: new majordomo Bernard GraybeardHouse Snome
House Snome is wealthy, thanks to shrewd investments in the expanding areas of Waterdeep and the steady strength of their traditional brewing, distilling, and spirits importation business. The key here is the bullying, must-win-at-all-costs, enthusiastically feuding braggart who heads the house, Rorild “Rory” Raztaerart Snome. This brawling lion of a man is as much a fool as he is a blusterer, and he has steadily lost friends over the years; if he can be befriended by cult operatives who will have to be deft actors, to treat him always properly, he can be led into almost any foolhardy investment, stance, or activity—and where he charges, his house will follow. Should he fall, his wife Kalaerra and daughters Tamra, Hethildra, and Marlemoeve (the sole surviving son is a pewling infant) are all worn out, battered-down vessels cult agents can fill with any ideas it wishes embraced. Agent of Cult: new manager of house activities Grakul SilverkinHouse Zulpair
House Zulpair is the richest of the three families, but has suffered recent calamity: a fire at sea destroyed the newest and largest of their galleons, The Swift Hart, with the loss of all hands and the heir of the house, Paeradrus Zulpair. The grieving family is quarreling over who should direct the family’s property investments, with the ailing head of the house, Daerevvros, facing heated opposing demands from his twin “second sons,” Ulmord and Alethtan. Alethtan is a romantic fool, but principled, but Ulmord is an oily, urbane weasel of a man ripe for corruption. The wife and daughter are both sickly and have worked themselves to the bone doing the real daily work of administering the extensive Castle Ward and Trades Ward holdings of this family (constant warehouse expansions and repairs in particular), and would seemingly welcome changes. Ulmord is the road in, so long as the cult gets the wife Nornessa and the daughter Ilryth on its side. Agent of Cult: new housemaid JhessailThe Harpers also report that the Cult of the Dragon is contemplating takeovers of some costers of middling size that actively run many short-haul caravans in the Sword Coast, but their plans are as yet so nebulous as to have no specifics at all—other than the fact that one constantly traveling caravan merchant, Flaeros Harthnel of Beregost, is a cult spy currently gathering information as to which costers might be the best targets, and more about their personnel.
Ресурсы фракции, в т.ч. ежемесячные расходы, общая стоимость и перечень активов
Ежемесячные расходы: Лимит затрат в декаду: базовый - ххх, критический - ххххх Суммарно, Культ Дракона с помощью своих сторонников владеет большим количеством недвижимости в городах Побережья Мечей и обладает несколькими скрытыми базами и убежищами.Недвижимость в Глубоководье
Недвижимость в Невервинтере
Недвижимость в Яртаре
Недвижимость в Триборе
Прочая недвижимость
Скрытая горная цитадель
Башня Иниарва
Iniarv's TowerПостоялый двор ""
Драконья Ярость
Летающий боевой корабль, на котором обычно находится Фаургар Стонар. Вооружение: 8 малых баллист, 4 больших баллисты Экипаж: капитан - хххххх, первый помощник - хххххх, боцман - хххххх, 40 культистов Скорость: Грузоподъемность:Штормовая акула
Гордость Холдрарка
Волновой Валрус
Скрытые убежища
Человеческие ресурсы
Агенты в семьях дворян и торговцев в Глубоководье
Шпионы Культа Дракона в Глубоководье
Still the largest, wealthiest, and busiest crossroads city in the Sword Coast North, as well as “the” destination for traders hoping to exploit current fashion or start new ones, Город Роскоши является домом для многих шпионов и агентов Культа, включая трех ветеранов на удобных позициях, на которых руководство культа рассчитывает и которые таким образом обладают большим влиянием и уважением, чем любой другой шпион в городе.Maelra Harzund
Maelra Harzund is a novice wizard of very modest accomplishments in the Art, who ceased training when the elderly master she was apprenticed to died suddenly of winterchill. Ever since, she has made a living making and selling spell scrolls, fake but impressive-looking spell scrolls, and wands that glow with faerie fire upon command. The latter resist catching fire and are “suitable for greater enchantments” (that is, they do nothing else). She also has vials of “wizard's blood,” drawing on a large stock of beautiful little perfume vials she bought when a warehouse was torn down, and filling them with the blood of the live chickens she buys for her own meals, mixed with ichor from boiled-down worms she collects by day in the City of the Dead, to alter the smell and look of the poultry gore.
Maelra dwells in dingy third-floor rooms in a ramshackle rooming house, Laethra's Highhaven, that stands on the west side of Caravan Court in Trades Ward.
She is a soft-spoken, rather timid woman of almost white blonde hair, shy speech and manners, and a romantic dreamer.
Working for the cult carries a spice of danger she loves, and it makes her feel important and as if her life is going somewhere rather than just drifting along from day to day surviving—but she dreams of real romance and real importance, and may soon do something reckless if moved by either of those triggers.
Zathant Drorn
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Zathant Drorn is a young half-elf wizard of low mastery who discovered he could make more money drawing small and intricately detailed maps of Waterdhavian neighborhoods and interior layouts of particular buildings than by working magic on the sly (because his talents weren't strong enough to manage the spells those too desperate or poor to go to the Watchful Order tend to need). However, the miscreants he was selling maps to recently disappeared (to feed the harbor fishes or to grace Castle Waterdeep's dungeons), and the Watch seem far too interested in someone who draws such things for Drorn's comfort.
Like many Waterdhavians aspiring to more wealth than they possess (and in the meantime pretending to have already attained that wealth and the lifestyle that goes with it), Drorn shares in the rental of a good third-floor suite of rooms in Castle Ward (in Stonegate House, westfront Snail Street nine doors north of Shesstra's Street) with six others. The seven men uneasily share the rooms for bathing and wardrobe storage, and they use the kitchen, dining area, sitting room, and bedchamber for assignations and to entertain their various upscale clients and contacts. As far as Drorn knows, none of his six partners are cult spies or agents, and he never involves them or his Castle Ward premises in cult activities.
Drorn's real abode is a damp, roof-leaking-when-it-rains fourth floor attic room in a rundown rooming house on westfront Bitter Alley in Dock Ward. From this dismal residence, he daily descends the outdoor stairs to hire on as a daily laborer, loading or unloading small shipments to or from various Waterdhavian businesses and homes and Dock Ward warehouses. In other words, he's hired brawn—but his looks and behavior (pleasant mien and track record for honesty—that is, refraining from pilferage) have made him trusted enough to visit addresses in all but Sea Ward and North Ward.
Drorn sees and overhears much and lets the cult know everything he deems important. He dreams of being hired on by a well-to-do household in Sea, North, or Castle Wards as a servant, even if it's just being a doorjack. Drorn is handy at a variety of manual work, usually making swift and serviceable repairs.
Inneth Hulmshar
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Inneth Hulmshar dwells in Mistshore, but works on staff in the glittering Mermaid and Stars gambling house on eastfront Copper Street (three doors north of Sulmor Street) in North Ward.
He's a raven-haired, thin, handsome man of impeccable manners, being both urbane and alert, who fools most folk he meets into thinking he comes from a wealthy background and high breeding.
Inneth rents rooms at various rooming houses, seldom staying in one place for more than a month at a time. He owns very few belongings, and he enjoys a lifestyle of attending many revels (often as the escort of ugly and disagreeable noblewomen) and dining and drinking well at such events—as well as, of course, seeing and overhearing all he can that is useful to him personally and to the cult.
His cult contacts see him as “our man we can worm into meetings of nobles,” and pay him well for what he can learn and report back to them (particularly about the investments of noble families, and the timing and specifics of their caravan and waterborne shipments). Inneth is quietly banking his takings with certain guilds, with an eye to slowly and behind the scenes buying up city properties until he becomes a wealthy landlord. He won't say no to marrying one of those ugly and disagreeable noblewomen if any of them happen to become rich widows, either.
Broegran Waethlunter
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Broegran Waethlunter is a hardy, weather-beaten, gray-haired, and grizzled man who works as a woodcutter, making frequent forays to within sight of Luskan (though he never enters that troubled port). He runs a crew of cutters he's trained, and they "garden" (as they put it) the woods diligently, gleaning firewood and wood for carpentry without taking overmuch (and so thinning out the woods). As a result, he has a valid pretext for ranging so far afield on runs (with wagons, or sledges in winter) that last for days at a time. His cutters are aware that he often meets persons in the forest, sometimes accepting items for transport back to Neverwinter that he covers over with wood. Waethlunter pays for their silence and he has told them just enough that they think he's mixed up in smuggling, not in anything to do with cults, draconic or otherwise. Waethlunter enjoys feeling important and useful as he makes and receives reports; in the twilight of his days, he wants to be part of big things if he can do so without a lot of danger. That said, he's always well armed and won't back down from a fight. He's pretty good with a crossbow, often downing edible forest creatures for the stewpots on the trail and back home. His cutters trust him and like him because he's fair, kindly, never loses his temper, and knows the woods well.
Daerruth Orvalan
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Daerruth Orvalan is a shopkeeper in Neverwinter who seldom roves farther afield than the end of the street where he lives (above his shop) and works. The shop rises three floors above the street, but is narrow, each level being one room that's three paces in width. Orvalan (who is unmarried and lives alone) occupies the topmost floor, and the shop takes up the two floors beneath.
Orvalan's Olornagatherum sells curiosthat is, all sorts of furnishings and small objects that are beautiful but also have a practical daily use (from lamps and doorstops to cutlery and carrying cases). Much of the second floor is given over to paintings of a wide variety of styles and ages. The shop's name is derived from a previous owner's similar business: the now-dead Olorna ran what she called a "gatherum" (a junkier sundries shop, often largely full of secondhand wares) in the same premises.
Daerruth is a fussy, prissy, nervous man restless with energy. He has eyes as keen as a hawk's, an instinct for what will be popular, and a fierce love for Neverwinter "with all its warts," as he states. He delights in secretly being part of something strong and active and formidable, and he is fascinated with dragons, so if dragons are rendered greater in undeath, as he believes (a notion the Cult of the Dragon, of course, embraces), he wants to know about them, aid them, and even serve them. And he absolutely loves secrecy and deception that has a larger impact rather than just petty personal dealings or for fun. So he's the diligent heart-of-Neverwinter eyes, ears, and helping hand of the Cult of the Dragon, taking in reports from Waethlunterthough he's beginning to (correctly) believe the woodcutter despises him.
Irdred Jahamalankh
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Irdred Jahamalankh is a half-orc of fearsomely scarred appearance, broad shoulders and bulging thews, who is Yartar's best wagon wheel maker, where he cuts wooden pieces, steams and bends them, forges and fits metal rims around them, and makes the grease, cotter pins, and even replacement axles for the wheels to be fitted to. He does a brisk trade, and he seldom leaves his cluttered work yard except when cutting wood or buying metal for his rimsbut he sees and hears far more than he pretends to, when dealing with clients, and he reports all to the cult.
Cult agents operating in the area find Irdred's yard and sheds (heaped with drying wood, rusting metal, broken old wagons, and fuel for his forge) to be a useful place to hide things, amid all the clutter. Irdred loves the payments the cult makes to him, and he will loyally lie for them and conceal anything they want hidden. Several cult agents have covertly tested him to see if he'll steal from numerous stores of obvious valuables (such as gold coins or gems), and Irdred has passed all such tests; he's not interested in jeopardizing this steady source of income, which allows him to do what he loves: make an endless stream of good, sturdy wagon wheels (and roast and devour the occasional ox, boar, or rothé).
Yreskan Ammulk
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Yreskan Ammulk is a half-orc who (aside from two tusks that he often conceals behind a false bandage that covers the lower half of his face) can pass for a large-featured, burly manexcept when he comes into contact with magic, whereupon a curse laid upon him years ago causes him to momentarily look like a towering, horned, black-haired yak manand then flicker back to his real appearance again (often the two images will ripple and trade places several times). This is a powerful magical illusion, not a change in shape; Yreskan ("RESK-ann") is always himself throughout, and his mobility, speech, and senses remain unaltered.
Yreskan runs a general hardware, secondhand goods, and outfitting shop in Triboar he calls "The Missing Wheel" because it began as a source of replacement cart and wagon wheels, for merchants who suffered breakdowns nearby on the bad roads of the Sword Coast North. The shop then expanded into selling rope, blankets, canvas tents, and tools.
Although he can be what locals call "growly," Yreskan is well respected locally because he's useful, anticipates needs, he orders in what will be most needed to deal with these needs, and has a watering-pond whose services he offers for free to all passersby (for the use of their beasts of burden or livestock).
A stout wooden palisade surrounds Yreskan's establishment, and his office is on the top floor of his three-story ramshackle (former stone keep) shop-and-residence. From that vantage point, he overlooks his own stockade walls and sees all traffic passing through Triboar, since the main roads meet right underneath his view. He offers the shelter of his stockade yard to travelers in need (peddlers and lone-wagon merchants in particular), and this provides great cover for cult contact visits.
Yreskan has no close friends, has brawled with locals who've crossed him, and hires female companionship when he wants it. He trusts no one, but he has assembled a small staff he feels he can work with. His weakness is strong spiritsand cult members keep him well supplied.
Семья Сардольфин
Агенты Культа из семьи Eskult
Агенты Культа из семьи Tramnur
Агенты Культа из семьи Yeldred
Фаургар Стонар был "вспышкой" (блейзом, т.е. майором) в Пламенном Кулаке в Вратах Балдура, пока неудачное стечение обстоятельств и зависть других коррумпированных офицеров Пламенного Кулака не предоставили Маршалу Рейвенгарду доказательства достаточные для увольнения с позором, но не достаточные для казни.
Фаургар Стонар после этого сколотил из таких же как он алчных и жестоких солдат отряд наемников, который назывался Драконьи Когти и в конце концов стал одним из подразделений Черной Резмир, Говорящей с Драконами и принял участие в набеге на Гринист.
После поражения Культа в битве под Колодцем Драконов, Фаургар вместе с небольшим отрядом смог ускользнуть.
В 1491 ЛД его отряд наемников участвовал в неудачной попытке рыцарей Ордена Самулара при поддержке Маргастеров захватитть Терновый Оплот, когда войска Дагульта Неверэмбера, который предположительно должен был поддержать наемников Маргастеров (к которым и принадлежал отряд культистов) и рыцарей нанес сокрушительный удар в спину.
Тем не менее, Фаургару вместе с большей частью его сил удалось ускользнуть.
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"И будут лишь мертвые восседать на тронах, пока драконы будут править миром"
1490 DR
Secret, Occult
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Описание ячейки Культа Дракона для кампании Улицы Глубоководья.