Blood of Vol

Death is the end, Dal Quor is oblivion, and if the gods exist, they are cruel. Stand with those you care for; all we have is this life and each other.

What just god or gods would allow death and suffering? The Blood of Vol teaches that we all have the potential to become divine beings—and that death is a curse, designed to kill you before you can unlock the divinity within you. The Blood of Vol is a grim faith, founded by Erandis Vol, an elf from Karrnath. It asserts that death is oblivion, that the universe is uncaring, and that if any gods exist or have existed, they are cruel. Its followers study the secrets of blood and life, and because they believe that death is the end, they see nothing wrong with using the bodies of the fallen to serve the living. Seekers of the Divinity Within (as the faithful call themselves, coloquially referred to as Seekers) are glad to be reanimated after death; at least they can do some good.
  Because of this association with necromancy, many believe the Blood of Vol embraces death and its followers want to become undead. Both ideas are false. The Blood of Vol sees death as the ultimate evil. Seekers don’t want to become undead; they want to become divine beings. The faith teaches that divinity is tied to blood and soul, and the undead can never fully harness that power; the religion also holds the unique perspective that the souls of the dead do not go to the Dreaming Dark, and the only residents of Dal Quor are its own spirits. They see the Dreaming Dark as a realm of mirrors, an illusion and a frail dream, where the dead are imitated and reflected by the Quori. The mummies, skeletons, vampires, and other undead of the Blood of Vol have sacrificed their chance at divinity to guide the living. They’re martyrs, not something to envy.
  In addition to a general revulsion toward the undead, the public opinion of the Blood of Vol is colored by the actions of the Order of the Emerald Claw. This extremist sect serves a mysterious figure known as the Queen of Death, and it employs necromantic magic in acts of terror. However, most Seekers don’t support the Emerald Claw.
  The Blood of Vol has its strongest following in Karrnath and Lhazaar. For a time, it was the national religion of Karrnath. Though fallen from favor, the faith is still practiced openly in that nation. The Blood of Vol is still growing across Khorvaire, particularly in communities harmed by the Church. Tenets of the faith demand that Seekers do whatever is within their ability to serve every sentient, mortal being. As such, sanctuaries and temples of the faith are generally fully open to the public barring emergency situations, and often offer basic necessities such as food and shelter to as many as they can. The long-term disenfranchised are encouraged to join the faith, but are only required to support the temple or sanctuary in the form of service, such as cleaning, cooking, maintenance, etc.

Everyone has a spark of divinity. Find that power within.

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