Green Pilgrimage

A green pilgrim must take seedlings of their choice and soil native to mars offworld. When this plant, called the passanger, reaches maturity, the pilgrim must draw seeds from it, and redistribute the offspring. A pilgrim may stay and distrubute additional generations of seedlings for as long as they desire, but after the first redistribution this stage of the pilgrimage is complete.   For a Mars-born pilgrim, leaving home is not as easy as it may sound. Earth and Venus being the only other planets in the protected alliance sector; the first trip novice pilgrims means enduring much higher gravities than they've known. It's for this reason Martians first invented the technique: Martian Meditiation. This conditions the body to handle higher gravities, but only if that gravity is already present. Martians may study the technique on their homeworld, but they can only practice it offworld. This can take weeks, and the pilgrim is tasked to keep the plant and themself in good health. Additionally, the high temperatures of Venus create additionally difficulties which only seasoned pilgrims should attempt.   The lesson of every pilgrimage is that life must struggle to survive. The majority of practitioners being Martian, some often struggle to maintain their own wellbeing; but the aspect of the sapling provides resolve. Only with dutiful care can both the pilgrim and the passenger keep themselves upright.   When the pilgrim is ready to return to mars, they must bring with them the lowleist descendant of the original plant. In other words they keep the runt of the litter. These are screened and treated for disease and invasive species at martian landing bays. Once home, the runts are typically planted on Green Altars. It is not uncommon and encouraged for a pilgrim to keep the runt and plant it in their homes.

"How could I let her go? When she knows me better than anyone."
-Ada, "the first pilgrim

  If a martian fails to keep their sapling alive, they are always allowed to return home; but they must try to bring the soil of the deceased passenger. The soil represents the medium of life. The lesson of a foiled pilgrimage is that even when the life cycle dies; the medium may always accept new life.If through misfortune a martian has lost their soil; they are still welcomed home. The last gesture for this instance is to find new soil; which does not need to be martian. It should properly sealed to prevent transporting disease or invasive species through the system. All biological materials are screened and treated upon returning to mars.   Martian Pilgrims are welcome in JF, despite MCA vassaldom to the EMC. However Martian Pilgrims must secure reliable transport to Jupiter; otherwise they become easy pickings for mercs. There are Green altars within JF colonies, where the their remains are put to rest along with any plantlife that survives the journey.


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Aug 19, 2024 01:33 by Deleyna Marr

Okay, that is quite the hook there at the end. The are welcome to JF... And it sounds like the plants have more chance of survival!

Aug 30, 2024 21:09 by Will Written

:D Thank you! I had a lot of fun with this one.

Aug 30, 2024 15:01 by Harrison

A incredibly interesting premise for a story.

Aug 30, 2024 21:09 by Will Written

:'D TY