The Green Cult

The Green Cult, or Cult of Green, is a Martian faith that regards ecology and the encouragement biodiversity. These teachings are found in the Book of Green. Though seen as religion the green cult has no hierarchy. Tenders of the Martian alters are known as acolytes and traveling members off world are called pilgrims. Otherwise Martian civilians who observe the way of green may be called followers.   The Book of Green was originally built on a manual created by Ada regarding ecology that she gifted the Martians. It has been expanded with philosophies and practices specific to Martian ecoculture. Much of the philosophy stems from humans and Martian ecosystems struggling together against the indeterminable will of natural selection and evolution. The circle as it is called is the natural biological cycle with specific emphasis on evolution, death and rebirth. These notions are universally accepted within Mars as a fundamental aspect of early Martian society and the terraformation of Mars.   Unsanctioned release of animal and plant species into Mars's ecosystems have been traced to members of the green. The support for this is evidence of the Green's influence over Mars as it flies in the face of the conservation authority. Many members of The authority are themselves followers and while they pursue their duty of safeguarding Mars's ecosystems this is often accepted as a natural thing. All martians believe in adaptation and accept the inability to control ecology entirely. When a species has been introduced The authority will affirm its ability to survive its environment as well as to not overly endanger it.   The green cult was spread off world via Green Pilgrims. A tradition of including exoplanetary life forms within the Martian web. Ada who not only provided the documents the manuals which set the fundaments of the book of green but also created Red Well, the microbe allowed the Martian soil to become tenable. Ada is remembered as the first pilgrim and her deeds on Mars are replicated by a green pilgrimage.   Martian alters are mounds of soil which are adorned with biological material considered sacred to the follower who places it there. This often includes plants retained on pilgrimage crops which fail to yield harvest, as well as deceased animals and at certain holy altars deceased Martians. Especially any who did not survive their pilgrimage (see Mercs ), but returned to home. Often the altars are breeding grounds for unfit and seemingly unviable species. But occasionally in this dynamic environment new species and new biological traits emerge. In this failed organisms are given a second chance to evolve and under the protection and keeping of the acolytes whoever seek to give them another chance. as the Martians and as all life one day rejoin the circle.


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Aug 21, 2024 06:40

Very fitting teraforming theology and practices.