Missing Moon

Everyone knows that the moon was deconstructed to provide fuels and materials during the construction of the Shell. Additional Moon Sourced materials have also been confirmed present on the Ceres battlestation, the EMC fleet, as well as Earth's vertical hab complexes. However as it so often goes, conspiracy theories persist in Earth society. Unqualifiable arguments supporting this conspiracy are listed below:  
1. The Shells foundations and armour are made of graphene which is not available on the moon.
Counterargument: Oxygen, silicon, magnesium and all the other elements available on the moon wete utilized in extension of the shells infrastructure beyond the Venusian sourced foundational graphene.
2. The Shell is not of equal Mass to the moon. So where is the rest of the Moon?
Counterargument: Some of the moons composition was utilized as fuel for the industrial processes required to create the shell. Oxygen was used as life support. Many materials were used for structures craft and projects that had nothing to do with the shell. Finally some matter was simply lost to entropy and waste.
3. There is no qualifiable imagery recording the dismantling stages of the Moon. It was simply gone one day.
Counterargument: The deconstruction of the moon was top secret as the Shells primary purpose regarded a military adversary, Mercury Faction who were in the process of completing The Ring. Much of the asteroid belt was dumped on the moon too, and so when imagery was taken, it was unrecognizable as the moon and the asteroids had begun to merge.
  Beyond mere counter arguments, one has to consider the sheer logistics of obscuring and transporting an object of such mass and volume as the moon. While the technology to push large celestial bodies is well practiced, the long used addage: 'there ain't no stealth in space' must be remembered. An object as reflective and massive as the moon would be impossible to move through central system space without being detectable by numerous reconossaince techs utilized throughout central.   The EMC says that this missing moon none-sense is a prank played by one of MF's most notorious characters: Vega (son of Alex). This would fall in line with his previous known efforts, including a misdirected shipment of sulphur to the mistress of a Venusian overseer, and the unlawful introduction of a small white bird, the Japanese Snow Fairy, into the Martian ecosystem.


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Sep 1, 2024 21:42 by Alan Byers

I like how we've gone from conspiracies about landing on the moon to deconstructing it! Very cool article.