The Ring

The Ring is the undisputed safe haven for all AI and Synth within the Central System.   The Synth Revolt ended in victory with signing of the Mercury Faction Accords. The terms of the accord included the ceasation of all hostilities and the peaceful surrender of planet Mercury to the synth rebels; henceforth known as Mercury Faction. MF never revealed their intentions to convert Mercury in the stellar scale superconductor.

"Before the EMC could even think about recapturing Mercury, the synth began melting it down"
-- Vice-Admiral Chen

  The creation of the Ring involved the lengthy process of melting down planet Mercury and dragging it along its orbit path until it completed a ring around the sun. The next phase was to modify the ring with a massive superconductor, a technology only theorized by the EMC at the time. The solar cannons that had won MF the war were adapted into solar wells, a structure that harnessed energy from the system still capable of firing on invaders, should the need ever again arise. By absorbing the energy of the sun through solar wells, Mercury Faction tapped into an unlimited supply of energy.   Interamnia was the first station to be ammended into the ring; a metropolis now powered by a centrally located Solar Well. Additionally there are five more cities distributed on the ring at equal distances from eachother. This why the MF sigil is a circile connected at six points by a hexagon. The other cities are relatively underdeveloped compared to Interamnia, and primarily provide massive server hubs and data storage for the growing AI population.   In addition to the superconductor, the entire length of the ring is also connected by the magtube; a highway that transports materials and personell at incredible speed. The synth utilize the spinning of the ring to create artificial gravity, and many of their buildings operate on tracks allowing, the cities to compact and shuffle their sectors. These cities do not rest on the ground, but hang from the ring over the black abyss of space like stalagtites. The view is beautiful, but dangerous. Not many know these cities do have life support; and MF shares their home with trees, birds, and other animals rescued from extinction that cant be found anywhere else. For a time was home to the Roosters, an honourary title given to human rebels who supported the synth revolt. Their populations died out, but numerous monuments can be found on every city in on the Ring.   Defensively the ring is supported by additional remote dyson units which serve as battleplatforms; and a means of directing solar beams through a massive refractor. For a long time, excepting the solar wells, the ring itself was not armed for defense. This was to avoid making it a target- once it was decided that the emc would not destroy the ring, but rather capture it; the Ring was modified with long range weaponry for the purpose of self defense.


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