
Soma is a perfluoaromatic compound, commonly referred to as liquid oxygen. It was invented by Martian colonists to insulate their space stations and reduce heat loss. At the time the Martian colonists were effectively trapped within the orbital stations above Mars having yet to successfully terraform the planet. As such, optimization of resources was crucial. In addition to a regulating air supply, soma insolates life support spaces and reduces the G-force experienced by occupants during space maneuvers. Being inflammable also means it naturally douses fires, be they accidental or the result of enemy weaponry.   Soma does not naturally pass through an energy barrier. This means it can be deployed within energy shields providing and habitable environment for workers or soldiers. Normally a damaged craft returning to an oxygenated hanger is at risk of catching fire, but if the hanger is filled with soma any such flames are naturally extinguished. Additionally soma has been shown to be an ideal environment for recovery from injury, owing to its natural buoyancy and balm like behavior towards organic materials.   Today soma is the most commonly synthesized material. Its application in military and industrial practices is universal. Soma fills lower regions of the Venusian Spires were the smog makes the exterior environment unliviable. Early Martian settlers used modified Soma within greenhouses in order to acclimate their plants to the Martian Green Belt. Orbital Stations, the Shell, even Ceres utilizes Soma insulation. As for the EMC, soma insolates every system from space cruisers, to fighters, down to personal espatier suits.   Jupiter Faction invented a technique called Vulcan Meditation, an adaptation of Martian Meditation within soma-filled space craft. This technique allows a pilot to endure G-forces that would otherwise be insurmountable, even with standard soma insulation. It was famously employed with great success by Jaculus fighters against the first wave alliance forces during the Reclamation War.


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