Reclamation War

They call it reclamation but the EMC has never set foot on the moons of Jupiter. It is us they wish to reclaim, for they believe us to be nothing but property.
-- Argus Thousand Eyes.

  Reclamation was a war declared by the EMC on Jupiter Faction that concluded with The Vulcanalia. Jupiter Faction was formed by former EMC members who departed the Earth during the Exodus, when the EMC became divided over the rights and liberties of synth within its administration and society. There had never been good relations between the EMC and JF. Before Firewall crippled the Earths infrastructure there are many accounts supporting the notion that the EMC had been preparing to invade Jupiter. Firewall forced the EMC to instead deal with the crises, and it would be 600 years before they finally found the justification for war, citing JF raids and an unregulated government as a call to duty.   In truth it was the discovery that JF intended to use quantum fusion for Project Vulcan. Their goal was to gradually to transform planet Jupiter into a low yield brown dwarf star. In success this would elimate JF dependance on trade with the central alliance, who had failed to recruit them into their empire. Many within the central system alliance denounced the War, but the EMC was able to gather sufficient intel that JF intended to eventually utilize QF in their military forces.   The initial attack on Callisto was a decisive victory for JF forces, owing to their utilization of Rook stations which deployed the Jaculus skirmishers from behind their defences. The advantage of the Jaculus was the pilots practice of a JF technique called Vulcan Meditation; a variation of Martian Gravity Meditation within soma. While Callisto held the front, a secondary force, largely GCM staged an attempt to cripple Ganymede by compramising a QF energy plant. This tactic would result in a fracturing of moon's fragile crust, which supported the JF infrastructure below ground. Admiral Sanatora of the EMC commanded all allied forces to withdraw for 7 days, allowing JF to repair the energy plant in an unseen act of civility between the long rivalled factions. The repairs took 2 days, after which JF contacted Admiral Sanatora and informed them the war would resume the following day.   JF was aware that the EMC was partially motivated to delay the conflict until their primary battlestation could reach the front. The JF assault on the EMC forces saw heavy losses on both sides, but with the destruction of central EMC warcraft and the availbility of local support for JF, the EMC was repelled from Callisto, but not defeated. When the Ceres breached JF battlefront and entered Ganymede's orbit path. The losing forces of JF refused to surrender, and for a second time requested military support from its long established ally; Mercury Faction. When MF refused the call, JF formally nullified their alliance. The next day the Vulcanalia occured.   A rogue EMC unit, Iron Squad, landed at the apex site of Project Olympus within the gas giant. Against orders, Iron Squad prematurely triggered the transformation of Jupiter into a star, resulting in deadly burst of heat and radiation which decimated all of Jupiter Faction, as well as the EMC invasion force. The EMC was compelled to return to the central system, following mass outcry from both civilian and corps personell. JF never formerly surrendered, but the war concluded all the same.


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Aug 7, 2024 16:40 by Alan Byers

Extremely engaging stuff Willwritten, I'm looking forward to more from NOVATURE. I've included this article in my Reader's Choice list for this year!

Alan's Summer Reading Round-Up
Generic article | Aug 6, 2024