Felix al'Malaki

Felix al'Malaki

Meet Felix. Felix just wants to be a farmer and run the family farms. Unfortunately life has gotten in the way and he went through the War Mage Academy, served in the Drasillian military, and Joined the Verdant Stags (a mercenary group).   While he is learning much about farming and agriculture in his travels he fears that he will never get the chance to implement them at the farm or pass them down to another.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Felix is a lithe individual standing 6 feet tall and weighing in at 185 pounds. His thin frame is the result of of years of toil on the farms coupled with his time in the military. While not a strong individual he is fairly dexttrous and has a hearty constitution than most. He is a big believer in regular exercise, odd for a mage, and performs daily workouts (typically going for a run). After all, you never know when a well placed mace blow or running like a madman will be the more effective strategy than a gout of magic.

Body Features

Tall and lithe felix has frost blue skin and a shock of white hair the color of fresh snow. His face is comprised of sharp, angular features that serve to accentuate his sharp pointed teeth . His long tail whips about behind him, displaying his true emotional state more often than his face will. Odd amongst Tieflings is the fact that Felix has no horns; a trait he was self-conmscious of as a child. His elder brother Nicholas was quick to throw hands at any who teased him for it and pointed out that Nicholas was marked in a far rarer fashion: he cast no shadow.

Physical quirks

He casts no shadow.

Apparel & Accessories

He is dressed in well made travel garments designed for a mercenary life. The seams are all reinforced, the elbows padded slightly, and materiaal is of excellent quality. He has a worn, but well cared for backpack from his time in the military with the symbol for the Order of the White Rose emblazoned on it. A cover has been devised that can be put in place over the sigil.   On his person he carries a spell component pouch. a mace, and a dagger. Leather armor shields and protects his form. On the left pauldron can be seen a green stag, while on his chest piece a white rose is emblazoned over his heart.

Mental characteristics


Felxi is a well educated individual. Although much of his formative years were spent on the farm, his parents ensured their children spent as much time doing their studies as anything else and tutors were hired when available. Granted, much of this revolved around mercantilism and farming, but he was still taught the basics of the orther fields of study. At the academy Felix discovered a love for finding the hidden truths. He spent long hours in the library digging through esoteric and dusty tomes to find little tidbits of knowledge hidden away.


Much of his life was spent working on the family farms. At 16 he left the farm to serve the Drasilian Empire. He spent a few years at the War Mage Academy before graduating and spending three years in the military. Upon completion of his service he spent a year and a half with The Verdant Stag mercenary group in the North before setting out on his own to continue and try to track down his brother.

Personality Characteristics


Find out what happened to his brother. (Accomplished, now it is to avenge his brother by killing Thatch). Discover the nature of his patron and his servitude. Ensure the family farm grows and prosepers Learn and grow as a "Mage".

Vices & Personality flaws

A love of pipeweed learning new farming techniques a chance for hidden or forgotten arcane lore

Personality Quirks

Goes for a run each morning right after waking up.


Felix keeps himself clean and washed, but doesn't shy away from tasks that require manual labor or getting dirty.


Contacts & Relations

The al'Malaki clan. The workers at the River's Bend Farm The leadership of The Verdant Stag

Religious Views

Originally just a worshipper of the Wild Mother he began to worship and offer prayers to Corellon/Mystra as the god(dess) of magic.

Social Aptitude

Felix is neither particularly socially apt or inept.

Felix is a skilled War Mage who served the empire and his family with distinction. He travels the world to see and learn different agricultural techniques and crops while also honing his skills in battlefield management.

View Character Profile
River's Bend Farm
Current Residence
Shock white like fresh snow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Frost Blue with
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Halfling

The Dream of Brine

Again with the dream. I see River's Bend laying before me, the farmland and river nestled in the deep woods. Warm and welcoming, but my eye is drawn north and there among the Icespire Peaks do I feel the beast. A cold and omnipresent weight bearing relentlessly until a dam breaks and from the mountains comes a deluge of ice and water raging forth to flood my home and then the world.   An unnerving dream to be sure and so I went for a swim to wash away any bad energy that may still be cleaved to me. Yet every wave crash seemed to be carrying the voice in an ever sterner tone stating "Release me".   I must double down on the studies and solve this riddle.

Refugees of Time

I encountered a strange group today. A half-elf (who must be half-goliath as well) consumed with rage, An Earth Genasi in touch with nature, and a Vriski Shihe. Not only do they claim to have been on Iko Island, but they claim to have known and fought by Nicholas's side when he was killed. They describe him accurately, but seemed to think he died only yesterday, but were shocked when told Iko Island had disappeared five years ago. So what happened to them? Where did they go? They seem to be telling the truth about what they said.   The Vriski Shihe lived up to their reputation and spewed some infuriating nonsense. I mustn't let her ire me.   Gwyn wants it known that she caught and ate a large rat today while in a hut. She insists that it was a glorious hunt and beautiful swoop.   There was no hunt. I pointed out the rat to her. The swoop was lovely though.


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