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Felix al'Malaki

None Bloodline of Levistus (TSJ) (Mercenary Veteran)
Warlock 4
28 / 28 HP

Felix is a skilled War Mage who served the empire and his family with distinction. He travels the world to see and learn different agricultural techniques and crops while also honing his skills in battlefield management.

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Sun 19th Mar 2023 12:05

The Dream of Brine

by Felix al'Malaki

Again with the dream. I see River's Bend laying before me, the farmland and river nestled in the deep woods. Warm and welcoming, but my eye is drawn north and there among the Icespire Peaks do I feel the beast. A cold and omnipresent weight bearing relentlessly until a dam breaks and from the mountains comes a deluge of ice and water raging forth to flood my home and then the world.
An unnerving dream to be sure and so I went for a swim to wash away any bad energy that may still be cleaved to me. Yet every wave crash seemed to be carrying the voice in an ever sterner tone stating "Release me".
I must double down on the studies and solve this riddle.

Felix's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Refugees of Time
    10 Mar 2023 01:25:35
  2. The Dream of Brine
    19 Mar 2023 12:05:37

The major events and journals in Felix's history, from the beginning to today.

Refugees of Time

I encountered a strange group today. A half-elf (who must be half-goliath as well) consumed with rage, An Earth Genasi in touch with nature, and a Vriski Shihe. Not only do they claim to have been on Iko Island, but they claim to have known and fought b...

03:39 am - 19.03.2023

The Dream of Brine

Again with the dream. I see River's Bend laying before me, the farmland and river nestled in the deep woods. Warm and welcoming, but my eye is drawn north and there among the Icespire Peaks do I feel the beast. A cold and omnipresent weight bearing rel...

12:05 am - 19.03.2023

What sort of fools and criminals did my brother fall in with? Bah, Nicholas you always were a bleeding heart.

05:22 pm - 16.02.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Felix.

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