Port Kêris Quarantine Hospital

The Port Kêris Quarantine Hospital was a large temt structure built during the first onslaught of the Black Plague, meant to last for at worst one year while the illness got under control. One year. That was the statement issued by Ankou, the head medic of said hospital, at the time of its opening. That was fifty years ago. If there is no onslaught of the Black Plague, the beds are filled with the White Plague or the Red Death or Northern Fever, or another highly infectuous disease that spread too quickly from the sailors arriving in the port and being submitted to the high risk environment that is open sea travel.   What was intended as a quick solution has since then become a staple building of the city, and Ankou's pride... and his downfall. Its visuals remind the population of the help they are offered, but also the death toll of this city. It looks like an emergency set-up, no, it is an emergency set-up, but by now the population is realising an important factor: this emergency medical crisis cannot end without discovering the root cause, the main task that Ankou focuses on whenever he is not actively dealing with patients.   The hospital is divided into four sections of varying distress levels. Level 1 is contagious but not likely to be lethal to a healthy person, like the Northern Fever, and then the danger levels as well as the precautions taken rise from there with each increasing level.  Behind the building has by now a large graveyard been established where the victims are burnt, salted, and buried. The idea is to keep that ground as safe as possible for non-sick people, but this anonymous mass grave is unpopular in town. This is why the hospital is now expanding two tented wings for lower risk patients on two sides of this graveyard, shielding 3 out of 4 sides from public view.


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