Port Plijadur

Port Plijadur is one of the biggest port cities world-wide, located at the north-western border of the non-human continent, and consisting of 5'000 homes, twice as many inns and taverns, and at least one pleasure house each road. While Port Kêris is for those who want to work (honest or not), Port Plijadur is for those who have decided that they've done enough work for their lifetime and are now looking for a party. Alcohol is cheap, drugs are found easily, and as long as the dept is paid, onw can have a peaceful time here. But this is not a soft city by any means. If someone leaves a tap open or doesn't pay up to a dealer, this city is the last place you want to be. Henchmen everywhere, no store or inn that is not deeply connected with the network of factions present, and worst of all, the people are either too intoxicated to help or don't care, so if you get beaten up and left for dead on the main road at midday, don't expect any help. The best medical support that one can expect are medical tents with water, food, and beds for some rest that are specialised for dealing with intoxication and overdose of various substances. They work hand-in-hand with the authorities but don't report their patients to authorities for the intoxication alone, not that authorities here bother to track that, but because of these tents, jail population has remained manageable after they were established in the wake of a large prison riot.   Port Plijadur is the place to be for young and desperate people who want to forget about all their trouble with the help of intoxication, and thus its reputation is as horrendous as it can get, but it's also an important trade point for the non-human continent. Sometimes work requires the pleasure alongside...


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