The Golden Dagger

The Golden Dagger is a secretive mercenary organisation that infiltrates corporations, political alliances, royal courts, authorities, trade groups, and more, with the intention of uncovering corrupt officials and authorities and bringing them to justice. That justice? Death. Sometimes swift and painless, other times cruel and torturous, it depends on who does the killing and what mood they're in.
No matter the state of the corpse, the killings done by members of the Golden Dagger leave behind a mark identifying the faction. This can be a dagger and a gold coin on top, or a drawing of a golden dagger, or a woven emblem, or the words "The Golden Dagger" on a piece of parchment. The details differ depending on who wants to leave behind a mark and how much press they want for their killings. 
Among all ranks in society, especially in aristocracy, there is a large gap between those who fear them and those who respect them. Of course, anyone not corrupt appears to have nothing to fear from the mysterious group that kills off unfair competition. But they challenge the financial elite's prioritisation of their own lives and their moral compas versus their greed and hunger formore power no matter the cost. There is a possibility here for making a choice that significantly changes one's own life and the lives of loved ones. And looking at the spread and intensity of the Golden Dagger, a lot of people are making the wrong choice. 
Because of old connections that remain important throughout decades of the overall mercenary network, the Golden Dagger is closely in touch with the Sovereign Shadows, the Blue Feather, and the Green Guard — all very important mercenary factions that focus on ridding the political landscape of threats, ensure academic integrity in the world, and keep nature in balance.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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