The Stone Of Civilisation

Many sentient races wander the face of the planet Feorth, and all of them draw a different lineage and explain their background a little differently, but there is one item that draws them all together, that every single one of them admires and values: The Stone Of Civilisation.   From the outside, it appears to be a block of stone — nothing special, not even a rare stone or a beautiful stone, just a roughly chopped black stone. But it is said that this stone is the first stone that the giants laid without being instructed to do so. This stone is the first sign of sentience, and ultimately, the beginning of the turmoil that unfolded during the Great War For Independence that in turn resulted in the spread of various species world-wide. With this stone, the giants started to show that they could build something on their own; they proved to themselves and the spirits that they were made for more than blindly following orders. This stone is the first sign of civilisation being built, of the fortresses deep in the caves that protected and sheltered the giants from the elements all those years. This stone, while not different from millions upon millions of other stones is the first independent attempt of a sentient being to independently create something from scratch, something new, something creative.   For artists, this is the beginning of art and creativity. For politicians, this is the beginning of civilisation. For historians, this is the most important evidence that the giants roamed the world and were capable of building with tools. For merchants, it is the most prized item in the world. And for royals, it is a symbol of never-ending power.   Where is the stone located? That is the problem... there are a bunch of rumours about where that stone is, and not few royals and their noble friends claim to have it sitting inside their palaces, but ultimately, no one knows for sure. The most dangerous rumour is that it is found in a collapsed giant fortress that is now partially inhabited by a dragon... but only a fool would dare to travel there to find out...
Item type
Unique Artifact


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