Verdantien Fae Are Immune To Poison

There has alway been a myth around that the Verdantien Fae are immune to all kinds of poison, that they shrug off poisoned weapons like it's nothing, and that they can eat all kinds of lethal berries.    Is it true?   No.    It's a simple explanation, really. Verdantien Fae have a lot of knowledge about various plants and animals, and this means that while many other races cannot perceive the difference between two similar berries where one is edible and one is poisonous, Verdantien Fae can tell. Additionally, the survival rate is about having a system. If a Verdantien Fae is poisoned, they have protocols in place. The suspected poison and its origin, for example the berry consumed, are preserved and analysed, the symptoms are tracked, the patient is brought to medical aid as soon as possible (even if there is only the slightest bit of doubt where the reaction to something might be allergic and/or poison-related) and receives professional treatment.   Be it antidotes, rest, flushing the system, forcing vomiting, binding the poison with charcoal and other materials... the medical staff of the Verdantien Fae are experts in all of these methods.


Especially among races that don't interact with Verdantien Fae a lot, like all human races, the rumour has a hold on society that Verdantien Fae are immune to poison. They eat lethal berries, they drink poison for breakfast, they have venomous animals as pets... the rumours are endless.

Historical Basis

This myth is based on observations of human soldiers that Verdantien Fae will eat little berries from a bush with a specific form and colour and feel no worse after it, but when humans try the presumedly same berry a few minutes later, they died a horrible death.

Variations & Mutation

It varies from "Verdantien Fae are immune to poison" to "Verdantien Fae are venomous themselves" and even "Verdantien Fae are related to the venomous dragons of the Southern shore."


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