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The Lesser Primordial Gods are formed

Celestial / Cosmic


From the creation of the Antediluvian Celestials a world was beginning to form. Palalikranox created the flow of time and the space unto which a canvas of creation could be painted. Unto this canvas Kirioshi, Nephthys and Danu created a vast and complex nature. Many plants and rocks and caverns and mountains were formed; intermingling together in a chaotic dance. Vast and impossibly deep oceans cracked the earth as the colossal sized Danu swam his way through earth to create the water that would seperate continents. As he swam, the little cracks of the earth would expand creating rivers and canals. Whilst beautiful this land was empty and so hand in hand Esege Malan and Sarashmi created smaller imperfect souls to roam this earth. Esege Malan created the concept of their being; the finite life which these creatures would live and the way unto which they would eventually die. But these shapeless creatures were much like the Gods were before this beautiful canvas and so Sarashmi breathed song and sound into their forms. Singing tunes of hopes and desires that could shape these creatures as too did the desires shape the Gods. But the world whilst beautiful and free, was chaotic and unordered. And so Pisatao created order; perfected Esege Malan’s design and merged Palalikranox’s dream with that of those of Kirioshi, Nepthys and Danu. From this order, Pisatao’s younger brother was formed; Orcus the god of destruction. Orcus made sure none of these new lesser creatures would damage the earth the other gods so tirelessly made and so he created natural disasters, famine, plague and early death. But he was not evil and followed closely behind his brother, Pisatao to keep the order he so dearly loved.  
Following this new formed world, several new Gods were created upon watching their kin fill their desires. These new gods, known as the Lesser Primordials, built upon the Antediluvian Celestials and created many new concepts and dreams.
  16 Lesser Primordial Gods where formed;

  • Nongshaba - Goddess of Animals
  • Avhallen - Goddess of Knowledge and Curiosity
  • Houjin - God of Spirits and Memories of the Dead
  • Meili and Mimir - Twin Goddesses of Fate and Destiny
  • Lokgir - God of Farming and Harvest
  • Saga - Goddess of History, Poetry and Stories
  • Zighor Avor - God of Plants and Forests
  • Myrna - Goddess of Seasons
  • Naja - God of Running Water and Streams
  • Anu - God of the Sky
  • Siea - Goddess of the Moon
  • Aramguol - God of War and Victory
  • Gesutan - God of Family and Blood Ties
  • Narall - God of Decay
  • Iiberat - Goddess of Violence
  • Shera - Goddess of Fertility

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