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The Antediluvian Celestial Gods are formed

Celestial / Cosmic


Before the world had laws and meaning there was endless and shapeless entities roaming around a forgotten and abandoned void. This void was home to powerful and ancient celestial magics that had no rhyme or reason; no rules that the entities had to follow. But with this truest freedom came truest empty. As there was nothing to bind these formless abstract creatures, there was nothing to shape them; they were in all regards “nothing” themselves. And yet after an endless age these creatures began to dream. Dream of things they could not understand for their dreams where of no such reality they could comprehend. As if dreaming of an incomprehensible desire in sharp fragments of their unknown wants and hopes. From these ancient dreams the void started to shift and change. Those creatures whose desires meant their entire being, became that dream. Their wants for something non-existent shaped their bodies into true shapes and from these manifested true forms the Antediluvian Primordial Gods where formed.

From these Dreams 8 Antediluvian Gods where born;

  • Kirioshi - God of Nature and Protection
  • Nephthys - Goddess of Nature and Healing
  • Palalikranox - Dragon God of Space and Time
  • Esege Malan - God of Mortality and the Soul
  • Danu - God of the Ocean
  • Orcus - God of Destruction
  • Sarashmi - Goddess of Music and Sound
  • Pisatao - God of Control and Order

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