Brass Ring of Civil Administration


The Brass Ring of Civil Administration one of the seven council-level positions within the Brass Ring of Novus. It is an elected position, with terms lasting 20 years. The ring was forged by Jerrec Indara, who was instrumental in organizing the surviving populace in the aftermath of the fall of Novus.


  • Oversight of reconstruction efforts, ensuring that all additions enrich the lives of the populace first and foremonst
  • Oversight of civil services, such as basic support distribution, transportation upkeep, and civic service efficienct.
  • Represents the concerns of the populace in political matters and acts in the interests of the common person -- ensuring equity and equality for all.


The position of Brass Ring of Civil Administration was the first ring created. It was unanimously decided to appoint Jerrec Indara into the position after he galvanized the broken and disparate peoples of Novus in the earlies days of the fall to band together in missions of rescue and recovery. At first the title was created as an honorary for Jerrec, but given his charisma and acumen for organzing people, he shifted towards organizing and leading reconstruction efforts. As Jerrec aged, it became clear that Novus's recover could take decades or even centuries. Knowing that the city would always need someone in this role, he abdicated the role, saying that the people should decide together who they would put forward to lead them, as they once did with him. This set the precedent for Ringbearers to abdicate their roles before the end of their terms.

Cultural Significance

The Ring of Civil Administration is central to a vox populi mindset in Novus, not only because it was the first ring but because it is the ring that most directly serves them and the sovereignty of the will of the unified populace. All notions of Novus's democratic nature can be sourced back to the ring.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Elected Position
Length of Term
20 years
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