Brass Ring of Novus


An assemblage of politicians, nobles, military leaders, and accomplished civil servants. The Brass Ring was established in the wake of the fall of Novus when the chain of command amongst the survivors was unclear. Instead of a singular king, as it had been in ages long since past, the Brass Ring is a rulership body made up military officials, civilians, nobles, learned indivuals, and religious clerics united in one purpose — the preservation of Novus. One rule exist within the Brass Ring, which is that all decisions must be unanimous. Though this has often led to decision being deadlocked, more often than not it has forced the Brass Ring to understand the art of compromise. Votes amongst the Seven - the ruling body of the Brass Ring are blind, anonymous, and require unanimous conclusion. The Seven understand more than anyone that if Novus should fall apart, from within or without, the last remnants of life and civilization may very well fall with it. They wear this duty with a deep sense of gravity, forgoing any former allegiance they may have, even to a god or to kin, to pursue this duty. This does not mean the Brass Ring never disagrees. It deeply holds to its notions of debate and dark political deals are rumored to go on past the official meetings of the Ring. During times when the Brass Ring is not convening to discuss grave matters of Novus’s protection, the Ring advocates for the enrichment of art, culture, at the beautification of Novus itself, though many hold a grudge towards the Ring for creating changes that enrich the lives of the elite of Novus at the expense of the common people.


The Brass Ring is a republic stucture, where citizens of Novus elect someone to become a Ringbearer. Elections are held whenever a ring's owner ship becomes available, when a term of holding is concluded, or when either the current bearer passes away or abdicates the ring. Ringbearers oversee specific civic duties within Novus and must meet the qualifications of being able to fulfill those duties.

The Ringbearers are refered to as the Seven. They make the large sweeping decisions for the city. Decision making is achieved by unanimous, anonymous voting. Once the vote is sealed, all Ringbearers are expected to uphold the sanctity of the vote, publicly defending and supporting the agreed upon decision.