
Dragonborn in Novus

Dragonborn are a race in search of identity within Novus. Since the fall, no dragon (chromatic, metallic, or otherwise) has been seen, leading many to question if dragons themselves perished in the events the caused miasma to overtake Vespala. As such, may Dragonborn have a level of disconnectedness or discontentment with the creatures that are their namesake.

The natural charisma and mystique of the dragonborn make them a curiosity to the other races. They hold promiment positions in various social circles as a result.

Other dragonborn reject this benevolent racism, seeking to live far from other races in isolationist communities within the Earthen Ring. Many of these communities are formed around ideals of dragon worship, seeking to reconnect with their dragon ancestors. Only dragonborn and draconic bloodline sorcerers are allow in these places, worshipping and seeking to understand the Silver King and Queen Chroma, long perished dragon deities, despite a profound lack of religous texts on either of these entities.