Earthen Ring


The delineation between the Earthen Ring and the Iron Ring is hazy at best and many debate whether to include the Earthen Ring as a part of Novus at all. It is a section of the city that is burried deep into the earth at the foot of Mount Abregoth. Any structure of the old city is in ruins.

Records indicate that the Earthen Ring once contained important machinery and structure of the city. All flying cities needed to land at some point to replish supplies and service the machinery. The technology that did this in Novus was located in its lower most level. Many question if Novus can every be raised again simply because of the poor state of the Earthen Ring.

In 178 PD, the first expedition reached the Earthen Ring, discovering a network of caves deep beneath the surface. It was quickly speculated that these caves could be connected to ancient Dwarven settlements. Word quickly spread and many dwarves put forward an effort to further explore or settle this area.

They established Thorungalan, a settlement named after an ancient dwarven city. It is the largest settlement on the Earthen Ring, a small city itself carved from the rock. Thorungalan is built as a monument to dwarven resilience in the face of adversity

Many pilgrims and worshippers of Bregoure also travel to the Earthen Ring to the Palm of the Father, a massive natural cavern where the Stone of Remembrance can be found. Relgious communities devoted to the concept of the being physically near to the embrace of the Spire Father are common on the Earthen Ring, but their existence is a difficult one, dictated by a lack of resources, monster attacks from Vespala's depths and by the labyrinthine nature of the caves beneath the surface.
