Fey Court of Novus


The Fey Court of Novus is an unofficial government by consensus that oversees Hollow and is interested in setting rules and boundaries concerning all Feykin this side of the Fey Gate.

It is not a ruling body that governs day to day, but rather convenes when matters of great importance arise for Feykin. The First Fey Court of Novus convened in the aftermath of the Fall, establishing Hollow as haven for Feykin.

That last Fey Court to be called was invoked in 285 PF. It was the Eighth Fey Court of Novus. Several issues were on the docket then, including an official decree to cease operations to relocate changelings in Novus and a rejection of Willow Meadowstride's latest proposal to invest resources into the reactivation of the Fey Gate.

Notable Resolutions

The various Fey Courts when called for have brought resolutions and guidelines for how feykin should conduct themselves in Novus. These are the agreed upon rules of feykin society in Hollow:

  • Hollow must remain secret, no matter if you choose to expose your fey nature or not.
  • The Fey Gate is off limits to all, pending its potential reactivation from the Fey Realm.
  • All feykin -- whether they be dark fey, gloom fey, half fey, full blooded fey, shifter fey, or otherwise -- deserve the solidarity of fey-kind.
  • Entry to Hollow is allowed those who carry badge of Hollow. Guests are permitted, but non-fey guests will have their memories of their time in Hollow purged.


Any person of Feykin ancestry is considered to be a part of the Fey Court of Novus. However, when a fey court is convened, a matter of business is to allow for the election and apointment of new Fey Wardens. Fey Wardens hold the title for the duration of one cycle of the Fey Court and must be reaffirmed or replaced at the following Fey Court. The process is often messy and bureaucratic, filled with complexities of fey law, meant to be be obtuse and tricksy by nature so that only the most clever fey can become Wardens. When common fey refer to the Fey Court, they are most likely refering to the Wardens as a body. There can be as many or as few Fey Wardens as the court chooses to appoint. These Wardens are charged with the day to day protection and continuation of Hollow.
Founding Date
3 PF
Geopolitical, Co-rulership
Leader Title
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