

When the Fall occured, those fey creatures who were on the material plane found themselves trapped and unable to return to the Fey realm. Distressed by this turn of events, these surviving fey creatures slowly began to find each other and band together, forming a The First Fey Court of Novus to determine the best way forward for all feykin. The result of the decision of this court was to live among all mortals in secret, but to conceal their fey nature, for if the other residents of Novus learned that the Fey realm was out there, they may attempt to exploit the Feykin, seeking to escape the bounds of the material plane for greener pastures in the Fey realm. This resolution caused the Feykin to turn their inherent magic towards concealing themselves in plain sight.

To Hide, Flee, Trick, or None of the Above

Despite what they once were, most feykin now have the ability to conceal their nature, appearing as humans, elves, halflings, dwarves, or otherwise depending on their original size. Some fey creatures are large enough (or far too small) that this is not possible.

To survive in Novus, some Feykin choose to hide -- taking up residence in hard to find places within the city, such as deep thickets within The Jade Ring, destroyed city quarters that have not yet been rebuilt, or deep within the city sublevels. Some use their shapeshifting abilities to hide within plain sight, with their peers never learning their true nature. Since a long time has passed since the fall, some have even chosen to intermarry with non-fey, causing their offspring to unwittingly be half fey.

Others chose to flee Novus, taking their chances out in the world of Vespala, utterly destroyed and filled with Miasma. The feykin in Novus occasionally hear a rumor from Adamantine Wayfinders about secret nomadic settlements of feykin outside the city, though little is known about them or how/if they are even flourishing ourside the city.

Other feykin either cannot or will not use either of these methods, instead crafting memory charms, illusion talismans, invisibility charms, or other methods to conceal themselves without shifting their forms. Many of these feykin are centaurs, alseids, or are too large or too small to be able to shapeshift into something that can hide. They rely on these methods of trickery to manipulate others into not percieving them, forgetting them instantly, or using illusions to cover their secret places of residence.

Still others choose another path entirely -- living publicly and openly. These feykin face ire and resentment from other fey. While these feykin are few, they often find themselves in positions of influence, as other mortals are drawn to the natural charisma of such creatures. These fey enjoy freedom at a cost -- though they are often misunderstood. There is an implicit code amongst these fey to not reveal the existence of other fey.

Not Our Home?

Because of being trapped away from the Fey Realm, feykin find themselves in an odd place. Fey lifespans have been dramatically slashed, from the ageless eternities they might have lived in the Fey realm to only a few hundred years at most. Feykin today are the descendants of the First Fey Court of Novus and have been raised with the ideals given them for generations.

As a result, some feykin work tirelessly to find a way back to the Fey Realm, by studying ancient magic or looking to find nexus points of Fey energy, where the bounds between planes is thin. Others have accepted life as it is and keep fey traditions alive in their own way -- perhaps by crafting trinkets or tending to gardens that remind them of the Fey Realm.

There is an uneasiness about feykin, a tension pulling them between the home of their nature, the home they wish to have or find, and the home they have now on the material plane and as such, there are varying degrees of acceptance about what it means to be a feykin now.

Of Many Shapes and Sizes

Feykin native to the Fey Realm come in many shapes and sizes, reflecting the sense of whimsy of their native lands.

Carefree and PuckishMost Feykin have a streak of whimsy and churlishness to them, even if it is buried beneath the concerns of life in Novus. Most Feykin appreciate a good prank, a bawdy joke, or song that puts a spring in the step.

Natural Affinity Even if they don't express it, most Feykin have a connection to the natural world in their blood. As Novus is a city of steel, brass, and coal, this can cause them to feel uneasy. The delights of nature speak to the soul of the Feykin, harkening back to the lives they might have had in the Fey Realm. Feykin keep flowers, vegetable gardens, or mushrooms in their homes. Others choose to make regular visits to the Verdant Sanctum, if not to worship Ezrithel - whose wellspring of bounty reaches even to the Feyrealm - then to simply enjoy nature.

Avoidant By Nature (Except when they're not) To be a Feykin is to be displaced. Even before the Fall, Feykin were cautious and avoidant of most mortals. However this desire is often at odds with the inexplicable urge Feykin have to play tricks, pranks, or to have a good laugh (especially if it is at another's expense). In these instances, Feykin cannot resist being seen, being consummate and flamboyant performers.

Naming Conventions

Feykin are markedly less concerned with familial lines, inheritance, and legacy. As such, most fey do not pass surnames is the way that other races do. Nearly all fey have compound word last names, with the first part of name inherited from their mother and the second half inherited from their father. For example, if two feykin named Lita Merriweather and Thomas Glimmergold, their children would have the surname Merrigold. This can occasionally cause unfortunate pairings (such as if Rosie Featherwing and Darius Glintfeather were to have children -- resulting in the surname Featherfeather). When such an instance occurs, most fey take it in stride, leaning into the whimsical and ironic naming convention

Feykin Traits

Your Feykin character has certain characteristics in common with all other Feykin.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 1. One other ability score of your choice increases by 1.

Age. Feykin on the Fey Realm are practically ageless as time does not mean much to the residents of that realm. However in Novus, Feykin live to be about 200 years old.

Alignment. Most Feykin tend to drift towards chaotic alignments.

Size. Your size is determined by your Feykin Subrace.

Speed. Your base walking speed is determined by your Feykin Subrace.

Fey Ancestry You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Hidden In Plain Sight Feykin choose a method of concealment to remain in Novus. You may choose one of the following methods:

  • Shifter - You have the ability to shift between your true fey form and a disguised form. Your disguised form conceals all visual distinctness of your fey nature. Your disguise form is set to an image of your choosing and you may only alter that appearance on long rests, preparing the new disguise as a spellcaster prepares spells. You must choose a humanoid shape of the same size as you for your disguise form. You may swap between these forms as an action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. While in your disguise form, others who use means of magic detection, such as a detect magic spell must pass an arcana check with the DC set to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your charisma modifier. If they fail, not even the presence of magic is detected. If they fail, you appear shrouded in an aura of illusion magic.You may not use any of your subrace features or abilities while in your disguise form.
  • Memory Charm - As an action, you may cast a charm to make target within 30 feet of you to make a wisdom saving throw with a DC set to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your wisdom modifier. If they fail, the target forgets the last 6 seconds. This time window increases with each level, equal to 6 times your overall level. A target who has previously failed against this charm or who naturally has resistance to charm effects may perform this save at advantage. You must complete a long rest before you can use this feature again.
  • Illusion Talisman - You gain the minor illusion cantrip. You may cast the invisibility spell a number of times equal to half of your wisdom modifier (minimum of 1, rounding up). Your spent uses of this feature replenish on long rests.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Feykin Subraces

Winged Feykin

Fairies, pixies, and sprites are all examples of Winged Feykin. They have wings made of feathers or similar to insect wings. They are diminuitive creatures.

Abitlity Score Improvement Your Charisma increases by 1.

Size Your size is small, appearing as a gnome or halfling if you choose the shifter version of the Hidden In Plain Sight feature.

Speed You have a 35 foot fly speed, unless you are in your disguise form. Your speed then is 25 feet.

Fairy Magic Fairy magic flows through you. You know the prestidigitation cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the faerie fire spell once per day. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast Nathair's Mischief spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Charming Presence Gain proficiency in Persuasion or Deception.

Nature Feykin

Dryads, Nymphs, Treants, are examples of Nature Feykin. They live in close affinity with nature, with plants either integrated into their bodies or being made of plant material themselves.

Ability Score Improvement Your Dexterity increases by 1.

Speed Your speed is 30 feet.

Everblooming You know the druidcraft cantrip. If you fail on a nature check, you may add 1d4 to the result potentially causing your failed check to become a passed check. You are considered a plant creature (unless you are in your disguise form if you chose the shifter version of Hidden In Plain Sight.

Nature Stride Ignore the effects of difficult terrain when you are moving through forested or plant-covered terrain.

Photosynthesis - If you take a short rest in direct sunlight, you may also add your wisdom modifier to the recovered hitpoints.

Beast Feykin

Centaurs, Alseids, and Saytrs are all examples of Beast feykin. They share attributes with some form of animal kind, such as hooves, legs, or bodies covered in fur. As a larger creature, you cannot take the shifter version of the Hidden In Plain Sight feature.

Ability Score Improvement Your Constitution increases by 1.

Speed Your speed is 40 feet.

Size Your size is medium.

Ambushing Combatant Gain the Charger feat and proficiency with two different types of weapons. .

Powerful Build - You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Wild Heart - Choose two of the following proficiencies: Athletics, Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Intimidation, or Survival.

Gloom Fey

Hags, Boggles, or Gremlins are all examples of Gloom Fey. Gloom fey may appear sinister, disquieting, or feel unsettling to be around.

Ability Score Improvement - Your Intelligence icreases by 1.

Speed Your speed is 30 feet.

Size Your size is small or medium.

Disarming Presence Gain proficiency in intimidation. Once per day, as a reaction, you may choose to gain advantage on an insight check, or impose disadvantage on an insight check against you.

Darkvision You may see in dim light up to 30 feet.

Dark Delights Gain the viscious mockery cantrip. You may cast the darkness or dissonant wispers spells at first level. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for these spells. Once you have cast one of these spells this way you must complete a long rest before you can cast them again.

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