

Miasma is a thick purple, vaporous, gas. It is unknown how much of it currently covers Vespala but it is considered to be the primary threat to sentient beings. Miasma is carried on the wind by heavy storms, sweeping in thick, fog-like clouds through any lower elevation areas. It is poisonous and corrosive to breathe to be in prolonged exposure in small amounts, but dense miasma is nearly instantaneously deadly. The cause of this death is a mystery though the best that researchers can determine is that it is has the ability to destroy souls.

It is rare for one to survive exposure to miasma, and those that do are permanently scarred, either because of the potential for bodily damage or because their bodies become empty husks devoid of a soul.

It is uncertain where the miasma came from, how it can be stopped, or even if it can be destroyed. Curiously, it largely has little effect on flora or fauna, espcecially when miasma simply sweeps through an area. Frontier settlements have been completely destroyed by miasma, with every occupant killed by the miasma save for the livestock or horses that occupied it.

However, dense miasma is another think entirely, having sometimes mutating effects on living things that become exposed to it for a prolonged amount of times. Miasma storms like these also carry terrible, deadly monsters with appear from within the haze. There are places that the Adamantine Wayfinders have observed where the miasma lies thick, and will not recede, even when heavy winds should otherwise be able to disperse it.

Miasma is a terrifying mystery to most and is the principle threat that most people of Novus live under. Luckily Novus's position and defensive forifications have always protected it from miasma. This isn't to say that threats and lives haven't been claimed by it. Several times within the post fall history of Novus, a cloud of miasma has breached the walls of Novus, claiming lives within the city. Miasma is the leading cause of death for Adamantine Wayfinders and remains a existential threat to all living souls.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Corrosive and poisonous.
Violet, Purple, indigo
Common State
Haze, mist, fog, or clouds