Adamantine Wayfinders


An assemblage of naturalists, political pariahs, rangers, and simple agrarian folk who see Novus as a dying husk of a place and seek a new future for all living souls beyond the walls of Novus. Miasma clouds the lands outside, shrouding great wilderness, ancient ruins, floating islands, and terrible monsters. Despite the dangers, the Wayfinders see freedom — from oppression within Novus, from the deeply unnatural magic and technology that drove Novus’s rise and fall, and from the prison that is life within the walls of Novus. Officially, the Wayfinders hold a duty to the city of Novus to scout far beyond Novus to find important resources and identify coming threats. This places them at odds with Novus — simultaneously needed for the protection of the city while pushing the agenda of a future mass exodus from the city itself. To pursue this goal, the Wayfinders seek for a way to purge the miasma once and for all, a dream that may or may not be far-fetched to the point of dangerous.

Expedition, Military
Controlled Territories