Mount Abregoth


Mount Abregoth is the tallest mountain of the Abreses Mountains. It is the current resting place of Novus since the fall and is one of the only mountains within the range that is high enough above the miasma altitude threshold. The peak of Mount abregoth is another 1700ft above the city, leading many to speculate that it may be the highest mountain on the face of Vespala.

Mount Abregoth is deeply associated with Bregoure, sometimes to the point of personification. Various relgious sects in worship to the Spire Father complete pilgrimages to the peak, or journeys into the cavernous depths beneath the mountain.

A number of valuable resources for Novus are mined within the mountain underneath the city, including coal, iron, metals, and minerals useful for the maintenance and reconstruction of Novus, as well as components for magical use, such as crystals, phosphorus, and other assorted arcane minerals.

The caverns beneath Mount Abregoth are not without dangers as subterranean creatures and horrors can teem within the dark depths. Many fear that Novus could be devoured from underneath should a monster invasion of suitable size be unable to be repelled.

Many of Novus's dwarven residents choose to live within these caverns, safe from the miasma, but not from other risks. They are frontiersmen in their own way, but choose to take this risk for the chance to live as the dwarves of old. Some even speculate that the network of caves and caverns beneath the mountain may even connect to the ancient underground dwarven highways. This leads some idealistic dwarves speculating about the chances to find an ancient dwarven city one day.


Mountain, caves, tunnels, and caverns underneath

Localized Phenomena

Mount Abregoth's elevation places it above the elevation threshold for miasma, though there are those within Novus who sepculate that a blessing from Bregoure may also play a part in keeping the miasma at bay.


Frigid at the peak. Largely temporate at lower elevations.

Fauna & Flora

Pine forests and alpine fauna

Natural Resources

Lumber from forests. Minerals and metals from mining within.


Not much is known about Mount Abregoth before the fall, but it has been the resting place for Novus since the fall.
Mountain / Hill