Bregoure (Breh-goor)

Stone of Remembrance (a.k.a. The Spire Father)


As Novus fell, one deity responded to the cries of agony. Bregoure, god of mountain caught Novus in his grasp, saving it from further destruction. In this one act, the Spire Father saved all mortals, and is owed reverence as a result according to his faithful. His moral code was written into stone, one recovered from the caverns of Mount Abregoth. This stone is called the Stone of Remembrance, considered to be a piece of the Spire Father’s flesh. This stone also bears the names of the fallen and the first faithful of the Spire Father. Gratitude is thought to be the appropriate response to this act of salvation. Bregoure is at odds with gods the elude him like Syren, and desires the gravity that comes with remembrance. For this reason, followers of Bregoure are thought to be the source of anti-technology, anti-intellectual movements within the Council. Many followers of Bregoure seek physical nearness with him through burrowing deep into Mount Abregoth.

Places of Worship

Divine Domains

Order, Life, War
Lawful Good
Brown (traditional depiction)
None, capped with stone craved to a point like a mountain peak (traditional depiction)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Made of stone (traditional depiction)
Aligned Organization