Tuakkou (Too-ahk-koh)

Destiny of Decay (a.k.a. The Reclaimer)


Tu’akkou followers believe the arrogance that led to the fall of Novus is nothing compared to the arrogance of Novus now. The persistence in resisting the cycle of life and death is a folly in their eyes as new life springs up from death. Tu’akkou yields to Ezrithel , reclaiming all things to be born anew. As mold, fungus, and decay claim all things, breaking them down, Tu’akkou takes these sacrifices to remake and rebuild. In the eyes of their worshippers, Novus could grow into its potential if it simply relented on all forms of unnatural life to live in harmony with the cycle of life and death. Tu’akkou’s worshippers see wisdom living a full life, not necessarily a long life. The most extreme sects attempt to aid this process by encouraging fungal decay or destroying structures.

Divine Domains

Grave, Nature, Death
Lawful Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Covered in fungal growths