The Slithering Wastes

In the arid expanse of a desert realm known as the Slithering Wastes, a realm of intrigue, faith, and fanaticism unfolds like the shifting sands themselves. This land, characterized by relentless sun, treacherous dunes, and shimmering mirages, serves as a crucible where enigmatic yuan-ti and other fanatical races forge their destiny amidst the unforgiving embrace of the desert.   Long ago, the Slithering Wastes were birthed from the fangs of an ancient serpent deity, worshipped by the yuan-ti as the Night Serpent. Legend holds that the serpent's strike cleaved the land into a twisted tapestry of towering sand dunes, labyrinthine canyons, and hidden oases. The relentless sun and ever-present wind sculpted the desert into a harsh, enigmatic landscape, where survival required cunning and devotion.   The yuan-ti, with their serpent-like forms and arcane mastery, emerged as the dominant inhabitants of the Slithering Wastes. Guided by their fervent faith in the Night Serpent, they constructed sprawling ziggurats and sanctuaries that rise from the sands like ancient relics. The capital, The Gloaming Citadel, a city of serpentine architecture and shadowed alleys, stand as a testament to their mastery of both magic and fanaticism.   The yuan-ti society is divided into castes, each embodying a specific aspect of the Night Serpent's multifaceted nature. The Scaled Scholars delve into ancient texts and sorcery, seeking to unlock the secrets of their deity. The Venomblade Assassins, masters of stealth and poison, safeguarded the realm from external threats. At the pinnacle were the Serpent Lords, rulers chosen to govern by divine right, their scales glistening with power.   Beyond the yuan-ti, the Slithering Wastes plays host to other fanatical races drawn to its unforgiving beauty. The Sandborn, a nomadic people made up of Fire Genasi with mastery over the sands, wandered the desert in search of hidden truths. The Sunwardens, a clan of sun-worshipping nomads, embraced the solar deity to counterbalance the Coiled Ascendant's influence.   Yet, unity was not guaranteed. Struggles for power, revelations of hidden truths, and zealous rivalries simmered beneath the desert's surface. The cult of the Shadowed Serpent, an enigmatic faction within the yuan-ti, sought to challenge the established order, believing that their dark deity held the true path to power. This schism led to shadow wars within the shifting sands, where serpent clashed with serpent in a dance of secrets and manipulation.   Amidst this intricate tapestry of faith and ambition, whispers of a Prophecy of Renewal emerged. This ancient oracle spoke of a time when the desert's unforgiving nature would give way to a transformative event, one that would reshape the Slithering Wastes and the destiny of its inhabitants. Many interpreted the prophecy in different ways, some embracing it as a call to unity, while others saw it as a harbinger of chaos.   As the desert winds swept through the ages, the Slithering Wastes remained a realm of contradictions. A land where fervent devotion was as common as the scorching sun, where alliances and betrayals wove a complex web, and where the whispers of prophecy carried the promise of change. The history of the Slithering Wastes unfolded like a coiled serpent, ready to strike with both beauty and danger, as the sands hid secrets waiting to be revealed.   In more recent history it is rumored that The Oracle has come to power withing The Slithering Wastes and has begun a unification of its people to focus on a common threat... the non-believers...


The culture is religiously based to the point or fanatacism and extremism in their worship of both The Oracle and The Night Serpent. The more snakelike one is the more prestigious thier position can be within the country and through prayer and devotion they are able to achieve thier goals. Slavery of non-believers is commonplace and the people see it thier duty to "convert" them into true believers. The ones believed to be lost causes are often sold as export to Drakoria.


A small formal military guards the citadels however, the forces sent out into the world would be best described as terrorist cells rather than a formal military structure.

Foreign Relations

Stained would be a generous term. Thier closest neighbours being Kamiyo, Voss, Ironfoot Clanhold, and Dwarfhold have led to incurrsions into all of those neighbours. They claim the groups sent out to infiltrate are missionary groups but that is hardly the case as the tactics they employ would be better described as terrorism and espionage.


Worship and duty to The Night Serpent come before all. Any sacrilege towards The Night Serpent is punishable by death.

Agriculture & Industry

very little agriculture is able to be utilized in the desert however, the cultivation of cacti, the ranching of small rodents, egg laying birds, and fishing are the prime sources of food for the entire country.   The prime industry is glassmaking. Usually impossible to do with desert sand, the people have harnessed a way tonvert the sands into some of the finest glassware and glassworks in the world.

Trade & Transport

Even with the strained relations with thier neighbouring nations the glass that they produce is in high demand.

Mythology & Lore

Long ago, the Slithering Wastes were birthed from the fangs of an ancient serpent deity, worshipped by the yuan-ti as the Night Serpent. Legend holds that the serpent's strike cleaved the land into a twisted tapestry of towering sand dunes, labyrinthine canyons, and hidden oases. The relentless sun and ever-present wind sculpted the desert into a harsh, enigmatic landscape, where survival required cunning and devotion.


The people worship The oracle and in turn The Night Serpent

Granted Divine Powers

It is unknown the magnitude of any divine powers
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Major Exports
Glass   Slaves
Related Species


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