Isaiah Aberdeen

The father of modern Ironite medicine and medical practices, whose monstrous legacy has saved untold millions

Doctor Isaiah Aberdeen (a.k.a. The Devil's Doctor)

Do you how many people died to create the first Blacktrack Rattler? If you did, perhaps you would see their construction differently.   It is said that during the height of their construction, a thousand were sacrificed a day to test the inertial dampeners in test after test after test. Innocent souls, fed into the grinder of progress for a brighter tomorrow they would never see. Yet, hardly a complaint was lodged against the railyard, or the empire itself. Indeed, their deaths were hailed as those of holy martyrs.   Despite that, whenever the now reviled Doctor Pushkin sought to improve the success rates of ocular surgeries by tearing the eyeballs from a hundred innocent skulls that he might study the ocular nerves at every stage of the life cycle under a host of different factors, he was stripped of his medical license and executed as a criminal despite his research increasing ocular surgery survival rates by a staggering 63%.   The lesson, I suppose, if there is one in this tale, is that the humanity we cling to is a fickle thing - we yearn to preserve what makes us special, makes us human, yet only so long as it matches how we seek to perceive ourselves; that is, as heroes. We fear the mirror, for it shows us how ugly we truly are.   To borrow an adage from the late Doctor Pushkin - "One cannot teach those who are comforted by ignorance". And while I loathe grandstanding, the people of this great empire have indeed grown comfortable in their blindness.   With my work, however, they shall be made to see - and I shall be their mirror.
— Isaiah Aberdeen, on the eve of the publication of his first and now legendary research paper that informed the public of the dangers of bacteria and the power of his antibacterial medical rites

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Isaiah was a man of average health all throughout his life whose health only deteriorated with age - beginning his life with sound health and slowly accumulating scar and burn and illness and malady with each passing year and each passing surgery performed in his labs. He battled with illnesses constantly, testing many of his Rites upon himself first and foremost, and often injected himself with several viruses, poisons, and diseases(Some of which were considered lethal and incurable at the time) before curing himself with his own practices and medical rites.   He was by and large a thin, scrawny man of unimpressive build who appeared rather hawkish and thin much like a stickbug or preying mantis - a man of unsettling physicality who was a truly unimpressive physical specimen.

Body Features

Isaiah's body was never all that impressive - marred by liver spots and wrinkles from an early age, he lacked much muscle mass throughout his life and often struggled with anorexia for much of his life, meaning he never gained much weight and often appeared unhealthily thin. He burned a large majority of his face and body in his mid 50's in a chemical spill that left him severely injured, but recovered enough to return to active medical duty.   Additionally, and perhaps most notably, Isaiah's body was covered in stitches and skin grafts from a dozen or more different creatures given to him throughout his life for one injury or another - giving his entire body an appearance not unlike a monstrous, stitched quilt.

Facial Features

Isaiah's face was often described as "bullish" and "unpleasant" - constantly twisted into a scowl or frown, he seemed perpetually unpleasant with the world around him; an expression that only melted away when deep in an experiment or autopsy within his labs. His faced was marred by liver spots and wrinkles from a young age, and was almost entirely disfigured by a hideous chemical burn that nearly killed him in his mid 50's that was only survivable thanks to the Rites he helped pioneer - and later skin grafts even helped give his face a return to some form of normality. However, much like his body, Isaiah's face was marred by stitches and patchwork skin grafts for countless injuries - giving his face an appearance not unlike a stitched quilt.

Identifying Characteristics

Perhaps most identifying of Isaiah's features was his unnaturally stitched and patchworked skin - which was often of many different colors and textures due to the countless exotic skin grafts he accumulated over his lifetime. Otherwise, his unnaturally thin appearance and permanent scowl made him fairly identifable.

Special abilities

Despite his fearsome reputation and terrifying, near-divine medical talent, Isaiah had no special abilities to speak of - he was a mere human who, while a competent marksmen in competitive shooting, was never competent in combat and was never all that personally powerful for his entire life.

Apparel & Accessories

Isaiah dressed simply, and rarely wore clothes other than his singular outfit he preferred - a set of dark green and red doctor's scrubs with thick black rubber gloves, tall leather jackboots, and a host of various pockets, leather straps, and utility belts that helped keep his various medical instruments always on hand no matter the situation.

Specialized Equipment

Isaiah was well-known to carry his medical tools on him always - a highly specialized set of instruments crafted to his own exacting specifications that stood head and shoulders above the equipment of his contemporaries and were said to have been modified and customized largely by he himself.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to two fairly well-off highborn parents who lived in Damnadon's Upper Spires, he was raised the son of a nobleman and lived a life of appropriate luxury - though Isaiah himself later spoke of his own experiences during his childhood as detestable and insufferable. This is largely corroborated by the tales of his youth and the countless reports by his parents and other highborn citizens of Damnadon of the extreme sociopathy and "experimentations" the young Isaiah would perform on those around him - often dissecting the family dog and cat, performing medical practices on his fellow children(Many of which resulted in their death), and overally having a disposition "not unlike an emotionless zombie". Despite this, for better or worse, his parents largely let his behavior go unpunished and even encouraged his behavior - attempting to mollify the strange little boy with medical textbooks and attempting to direct his passions into more healthy outlets by getting him an internship in the Upper Spires' medical center(An internship which Isaiah himself would later credit in his memoirs as being instrumental in inspiring him to become a doctor out of sheer annoyance at his mentor's incompetence) - which thankfully did largely spare the family pets and other children of the Upper Spires from his sociopathic wrath for much of the rest of his childhood and formative years.   Isaiah would not remain in Damnadon for long, however - applying for and being accepted to the prestigious Lumisterra Institute for Higher Learning's medical sciences program at the tender age of 15(Making him one of the youngest students in its history), Isaiah earned his first Doctorate by the age of 19 and his first PhD by the age of 24. Being given his own wing of the Lumisterra Labs to pursue his own experiments on the Institute's funding and employment, Isaiah's initial tenure here in the labs was not to last - as he was promptly driven into exile barely a year later after a series of hideous experiments came to light and earned him a swift exile from the Institute for experimentations on innocents and children.   The next ten or so years of Isaiah's life are a bit of a mystery - retreating from the public eye and funding a lab of his own off of what was likely an illegal medical practice in the underground of Lumisterra, Isaiah would not re-enter the public eye until the age of 34 when he submitted his first research paper "Aberdeen's First Rite" to the Lumisterra Institute for Higher Learning under a Pseudonym and earned ever accolade the Institute could afford for his discover of micro-organisms, bacteria, and the invention of the world's first antibiotic; Though he was very nearly expelled again when he arrived to the awards ceremony and revealed who he truly was to the crowd at the Institute who were expecting a stranger. However, this time, Isaiah appealed the expulsion all the way up to the highest level of The Iron Empire and gained an audience with Tavross, The Iron Emperor himself - and somehow managed to convince the Diesel God of the worth of his experiments, who personally intervened to overturn Isaiah's Expulsion and demanded he be given his own lab and funding to pursue his experiments(With minimal oversight).   It was from here that Isaiah truly entered his own - spending the rest of his life until his death(Barring the final five years of his life, which were spent in retirement) working in the Labs that had been renamed in his honor working on his subsequent Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Rites(And a Seventh Rumored to have been started but never completed) and revolutionizing the medical field time and time again with effortless ease.   Yet, Isaiah's accomplishments were not limited to the laboratory - despite his relatively famous distaste for the family which abandoned him after he was driven into exile and legally disowned him, Isaiah was among the first citizens to board the Blacktrack Rattlers after the publication of the now famous News Article 'Blood and Bravery - Death at Damnadon!' despite being well into his late 60's, serving as Field Marshal Buster Walsham's Chief Medical Officer during the The Second War for Damnadon - a feat that earned him a large degree of accolades and respect among his colleagues(And a fair degree of battle scars).   In the end, Isaiah entered an early retirement as he entered his early 80's - made weary and physically crippled, barely able to walk or speak after decades of ruthless medical experimentation on himself and accidents that left him burned and scarred. Handing over the reigns of his Labs to his student Nora and continuing his work in a private wing, Isaiah perished of a heart attack at the age of 87 and was enshrined with full honors(Rather controversially) in the halls of the Lumisterra Institute for Higher Learning, with a statue being commissioned on the Institute's grounds to commemorate the life of the man whose medical achievements saved the lives of many - the inscription "We fear the mirror, for it shows us who we truly are" inscribed on a plaque at its base.


Isaiah was a man who was never once known to dabble in sexual affairs of any kind - though he expressed great interest in them from a medical point of view, he never engaged in them himself.


Raised as the son of highborn nobles in the Upper Spires of Damnadon, Isaiah was afforded a great education from birth and only furthered that education with a lifetime of learning and teaching at the Lumisterra Institute of Higher Learning - earning every single Doctorate and PhD offered in the medical sciences program and creating dozens of new courses and regimens to be taught to new students.


Though he was exiled from the Lumisterra Institute of Higher Learning in his 20's and spent the next ten-odd years self-employed in back-alley clinics funding his illicit research, Isaiah was later accepted back into the Institute which expelled him with full honors and spent the rest of his life as a tenured Professor and Collegiate Director in its employment.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Too notable to list here - chiefmost of which was the creation of Aberdeen's Six Rites(Listed at the side of the page) which revolutionized the medical practices of The Iron Empire practically overnight. Personally designed dozens of new courses in the Medical Sciences Degrees for the Lumisterra Institute of Higher Learning, earned each and every Doctorate and PhD available there during his lifetime, and personally pioneered nearly a dozen new medical fields that are being studied and innovated upon even now.

Failures & Embarrassments

His expulsion from the Lumisterra Institute was considered an embarrassment by many of his peers, but he considered it merely an embarrasment on them rather than himself - their inability to truly understand his genius.

Intellectual Characteristics

Isaiah was a truly cunning intellectual - as a man born to highborn nobles who spent his life in the highest halls of academia coupled with his complete lack of morality, Isaiah was a brilliant yet largely isolated man who, while terribly skilled at navigating tense political scenes and dealing with all kinds of political dealings and backhanded treachery that rocks both academia and nobility, he largely preferred the company of himself and corpses to most other creatures who he derided as "lesser" for their lack of intellect. He was a man with a towering ego who could hardly stand to entertain those he saw as intellectually inferior to himself, and was largely a terrible public speaker outside of Academia Presentations and Lectures - though his skill at manipulating individuals was the stuff of legend, especially when it pertained to his experiments.

Morality & Philosophy

Isaiah Aberdeen was a man who attained infamy for his complete and utter lack of morality and his willingness to engage in any experiment or procedure no matter how unethical if it meant progress or a new discover in the field. His philosophy, as spoken and written of by Isaiah himself, was largely driven by his distate for the perception of what 'Humanity' was within The Iron Empire that saw its people shun vile and villainous sacrifices made by people such as him while lauding the brutality used to create such marvels as Blacktrack Rattlers - hating the society of the empire that lauded itself as protecting humanity yet reviling when that "humanity" made them feel uncomfortable about themselves or their ideals.   To Isaiah, no act was too immoral and no deed too profane if it meant furthering the progress of the empire in which he lived - Isaiah spoke at length and gave countless lectures at the Lumisterra Institute during his lifetime on the nature of Humanity and just what exactly that "Humanity" that The Iron Empire proclaimed itself as the saviors of really was, and whether or not it was any less "Human" to sacrifice a thousand innocent lives in his profane medical experiments than it was to sacrifice just as many during the construction of the Blacktrack Rattlers and other inventions, and why the end results were percieved differently by the populace despite having an equal cost in blood.   Really, Isaiah's only true distate was for wasted resources - whether that be wasted test subjects, wasted money, or otherwise.

Personality Characteristics


Though many sought to explain and justify the horrendous actions of Isaiah Aberdeen during his lifetime and for decades after his death, no satisfactory explanations that justified his monstrous actions ever emerged - as best as could ever be determined, his motivations were ever simple in their purity: To push the boundaries of medical science and above all, grant The Iron Empire the greatest gift of all - rendering the holy restorative magics of Clerics and Priests completely obsolete.   To a lesser degree, he seemed utterly driven to an almost personal degree to obliterate the hundreds and thousands of years of accumulated medical knowledge of The Iron Empire before the publication of his rites - these accumulated medical practices built upon folklore, superstition, and centuries of fieldwork that even during his lifetime relied upon outdated and sometimes dangerously untrue beliefs of the nature of infections or diseases(Some of which were still attributed to acts of god during his time) and showing the world how such things truly worked.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Utterly brilliant doctor and scientist, talented philosopher and all around 'thinking man', excellent writer, researcher, critical thinker, surgeon, possessed a natural born talent for achieving the impossible and visualizing what others cannot, talented competition shooter, dealing with and interacting with children, manipulating children, excellent liar, masterfully savvy and deaing with and navigating politics and the world of academia, ???   Inept at getting his point across, dealing with those he considers his intellectual inferiors, melee combat, any overly physical or laborious task, Holding his tongue when annoyed, sports, ???

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Medicine, The Iron Empire, Being allowed to work in peace and quiet, A well-made scalpel, Doing crossword puzzles, Reading the Newspaper each morning, Coffee(He was well-known to be addicted to the beverage originating from the Suzerainty), A good autopsy, Corpses and Mortuaries, Making others uncomfortable, Having children as test subjects(They were his favorites), Working Alone, Playing Golf, Brewing his own Coffee, Blacktrack Rattlers(He was well-known to be an avid trainwatcher and enthusiast), Proving himself better than his contemporaries, The joy of a new discovery, Saving Lives, His Pet Cat Patches, ???   Dislikes: Wasting Resources, The Hypocrisy of "Humanity", His body growing weaker with age, Sloppy Medical Practices, Relying on Holy Healing Magics, Most of his assistants, His Family, His Colleagues, Those who balk at the cost of progress only when its convenient to them, Losing those close to him, ???

Virtues & Personality perks

For all of his accomplishments, the 'virtues' of the monster known as Isaiah Aberdeen are few and far between - well known to be a fantastically gifted doctor with hands so still that even after his death he remains one of only 3 people in the entire history of the Iron Empire to successfully perform a Brain Transplant. Wonderfully gifted with his hands, Isaiah was an utterly driven man who stopped at nothing to bring a revolution to the medical practices and understandings of The Iron Empire at any cost - who loathed and hated the hand-me-down knowledge that the doctors of his time had accumulated over centuries of work to build up a knowledge base that, while effective at what it needed to do(Largely save the lives of soldiers and heal those who could afford their expensive and often dangerous medical abilities based largely on superstition and half-baked knowledge), was appalling to him who saw what medicine could truly be if given time to grow.   To that end, his greatest virtue is also his greatest flaw - his willingness to push forward in the face of the entire world standing against him to study the medical arts. Also to his credit was the extreme deftness with which he navigated the halls of academia and Ironite High Society - a virtue which allowed him to secure the proper funding for his projects and keep "The Higher Ups" off his back long enough for him to deliver the results they so eagerly sought. A people's man in the most insidious and unsettling of ways, Isaiah, while terrible at public speaking beyond academic presentations, was a master at plying individuals and using their own flaws against them to get their support - an ability which proved instrumental in his success.   Finally, it is important to not let his greatest virtues be buried beneath the weight of his monstrous sins - putting aside the means by which he achieved them, Isaiah was truly a genius among geniuses for whom the word was practically invented; His skill on the operating table was so well known(As was his fervent desire to save each one of his patients no matter what) that it is to his legendary credit that some of the procedures and rituals described his his various Rites(Described on the right side of this page) still cannot be performed by any mortal doctor despite possessing his instructions and exact specifications, so extreme was his talent. A truly brilliant man, Isaiah simply saw the world differently - inferring the existence of bacteria and micro-organisms decades before others had even begun to postulate they existed and possessing an almost oracular intuition that, when coupled with his extreme dedication to saving the lives of his patients and penchant to take each loss of a patient personally(A penchant which also coincided with an increased rate of monstrous experimentation following), made him perhaps the greatest champion for lifesaving The Iron Empire has ever seen.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite his virtues, Isaiah was such a monstrous and amoral man that in the decades after his death his name has practically become a colloquial definition amongst the people of The Iron Empire for a monstrous or villainous being.   While it is important to many even now to preserve his superhuman medical abilities and the legacy he left behind in his Six Rites which have saved the lives of untold millions, it is equally important to remember Isaiah's complete and utter disregard for morality and the cost in suffering and innocent lives that it took to create his Rites - many of which are too horrific to note here. However, Isaiah was a man well-known to commit even the most callous and ruthless acts with a near sociopathic emotional detachment - carrying out unthinkable experiments such as his infamous "Omni-Cell Trials" which saw a thousand children infected with various diseases(Many of which were terminal) to allow him to perfectly dial in the formulae ratios of the drug that would become his first antibiotic treatment, many of whom died excrutiating deaths and even came back as undead(Due to his use of Necrotic Essence in his first antibiotic pills to stimulate a living body to fight off an infection with the same unholy resilience as the undead do) before having their brain stems dissolved(Some of which while they were still alive. This, while far from the most heinous atrocity Isaiah committed, was far from his last - ruthless experimenting on the subjects who were funneled into his labs(Most of which were stolen or kidnapped before the publication of his first rite, after which he received Governmental Funding and official subjects) that saw him infect them with diseases, torture and torment them to see at what point after death creatures would be resuscitated, cutting off limbs to see how long it takes differnet species to bleed out, and so much more.   All in all, he was a truly heartless man who despite standing trial multiple times for his actions, never showed a single ounce of remorse for his deeds - often times delighting in the pain and suffering of those who cried out against him and mocking them as poor specimens of humanity as if he were treating their outburst as an emotional experiment. Additionally, while not nearly as villainous, he was well known to be thoroughly addicted to the dark and stimulating beverage known as Coffee that traced its origins to the Suzerainty - drinking it with such an alarming frequency that many believe it was a large factor for the heart attack which took his life, and many other maladies that he suffered throughout his lifetime. While he possessed few overall vices, the ones he did possess he abused with legendary fervor.

Personality Quirks

From what reports remain of him, even the act of speaking with Isaiah was likened by many to being the unwitting participant in an experiment - as if each conversation shared was simply an attempt by him to understand an emotional response, provoke a specific feeling, or see how one responded in various situations. Rare was the time where he felt as if he were truly 'in the moment' - always treating others as if they were hinderances at best or experiments at worst, even outside of his labs.


Isaiah was well-known to be a legendary fastidious man - practicing neurotic cleaning habits even before the publication of his first rite, and continuing that practice throughout his life.

Representation & Legacy

Isaiah's legacy has largely been the utter revolution of The Iron Empire's medical practices via the publication of his Six Rites - a series of medical rites, rituals, and practices that have largely changed the face of Ironite Medicine forever, saving millions upon millions of lives and even more millions of shavings(The Currency of The Iron Empire) by allowing the wounded or infected to be saved and returned to full biological functionality rather than having to be mechanically augmented(As was standard practice before Isaiah's time when the Empire lacked the knowledge to truly save a creature beyond replacing its failing parts with steel).   In truth, his legacy cannot be overstated - even the basic of hygiene practices many now take for granted(Even things as simple as Doctors washing their hands before surgeries) was largely thanks to the publication of Isaiah's Rites.   Yet, at the same time, his legacy is one of utter villainy that is debated viciously by scholars and moralists even into the modern day - the heinous cost of his rites came in so many thousands and millions of innocent lives that many wonder if the results were truly worth it; whether the Rites made by the monster in human skin were worth the suffering he inflicted on the lives of so many innocent men, women, and children deep in the bowels of The Aberdeen Labs beneath the Lumisterra Institute of Higher Learning, and what "preserving humanity" truly means.   All told, it is a legacy that Isaiah himself would likely be proud of - one that has stimulated conversations of what it means to be human and when the price of progress becomes too high to stomach.



Though he was never royalty and never laid claim to a fief as a king or noble, Isaiah was given control of the entire subterranean Aberdeen Labs beneath the Lumisterra Institute for Higher Learning in his early thirties after the submission of his first research paper to the Lumisterra Institute after a decade in exile and maintained his position there for nigh-on the rest of his life, barring the final half-decade he spent in retirement.   A methodical and utterly heartless man to the very end, Isaiah's reign of the Labs beneath the Lumisterra Institute was a time of unbridaled progress and innovation in countless medical fields(Some of which were discovered wholesale by Isaiah himself) that came during a time of unmatched cruelty and heartlessness - endless living test subjects(Many of which were children), heartless experiments that even by the standards of The Iron Empire were later deemed inhumane and abhorrent, and countless other atrocities which only came to light after his death(So ironclad was his rule over the Labs that none would betray him until after his death).

Contacts & Relations

Having earned an acceptance into the medical program of the Lumisterra Institute before he had even turned 21, Isaiah initially gained a vast network of contacts and relations as an up and coming genius in the medical field until his exile from the Institute during his early twenties after a series of unauthorized experiments he performed on children came to light - a feat which was lauded as 'career suicide' and haunted him for the rest of his life.   Even after his acceptance back into the Lumisterra Institute a decade later on the back of his now legendary research paper which proved the existence of microorganisms called 'bacteria' and a series of hyper-advanced medical "rites" designed to prevent their spread, Isaiah's network of contacts and other relations avoided him like the plague - for while he proved utterly socially invincible for the rest of his life, those around him often avoided him beyond what was absolutely required for fear of committing their own 'Career Suicide' by being associated with him. As such, none who knew him in a professional capacity ever went beyond what was required of them and, despite knowing a great number of the smartest minds in the entire Iron Empire, rarely could ever rely on any of them.

Family Ties

Though he was born the son of two highborn citizens of The Iron Empire in the Hive City of Damnadon, Isaiah's family effective disowned him after his exile from the Lumisterra Institute in his early twenties and did not associate with him for the rest of his life - stripping him of his family name(Which he often used anyway) officially and branding him an outcast that was never again welcome in their home.   As such, his family ties effectively died in his early twenties - though the great irony inherent to such an act is that his family name of Aberdeen has become so deeply associated with the legendary "Devil's Doctor" that his family has largely fallen from prominence and dropped off the history books, overshadowed by the villainous son they sought to disown.   He was not believed to possess any siblings who endured to adulthood(Some of which died under mysterious circumstances according to his parents).

Religious Views

Despite his villainous deeds and horrendous actions, one of the few constants throughout his life was his faith in Tavross, The Iron Emperor and The Iron Empire as a whole despite his frequent criticisms of both - a feat which earned him a great deal of respect in many circles.

Social Aptitude

Isaiah was always described as a quietly intense man who, while not overly charismatic nor incredibly unlikeable, was capable of holding a crowd's attention for a short period of time - though the directness and philosophical turns with which he spoke often put others off or annoyed them. A man of towering ego and monumental self-importance, he preferred the solitude of his labs but enjoyed the chance to educate others when presented with the opportunity - though he often missed social cues or ignored them entirely.   Though he was born a noble and was possessed of refined mannerisms, his complete and utter disregard for those around him made him a decidedly distasteful man.


Though he spent his youth and most of his adulthood as a prim and proper man who was stoic, reserved, and spoke in a dry yet oddly philosophical way, Isaiah's mannerisms became increasingly decrepit the longer he lived thanks to a variety of injuries in his experiments - slurring his speech, hunching his body, and more as his muscles and body were repeatedly burned, cut, torn, poisoned, or damaged in a variety of other ways which made him a rather patchwork man by the end of his life who was said to have possessed skin grafts from no less than thirty five people of eight different species.

Hobbies & Pets

Isaiah was a man who was never known to have pets for very long - as he would soon find experiments to perform on them which would often lead to their slow and painful deaths for the sake of his scientific curiosity.


Isaiah was always known as a man of clear and crisp speech until an injury in his late 50's burned most of his face in an acid-based accident - meaning he lived the rest of his life with a slur to his words.

Wealth & Financial state

Despite his vaunted status as the head of the Aberdeen Labs beneath the Lumisterra Institute for Higher Learning, Isaiah was never an overly rich man - ever the pariah even after his acceptance back into the scientific world for his legendary heartless experiments and ruthless medical doctrines, he was constantly passed up for research grants in favor for his peers(A historical pattern many believe was done to sabotage his success) yet succeeded beyond anyone wildest dreams despite his lack of money.   Though he was born into personal wealth, it dried up rapidly in his twenties after he was driven into exile by his peers at the Lumisterra Institute for his abhorrent medical procedures and grisly experiments done without authorization during his time as a doctor there - having been used to fund his research that would eventually land him his first research paper and acceptance back into the ranks of the Lumisterra Institute's brightest medical minds.   Ever since, he was a man who barely had enough to cover his own needs - living frugally(Spending many a night in his laboratory sleeping under his desk) with little to his name for much of his life.
  1. Aberdeen's First Rite: Bacteria, Infections, Diseases, Illnesses, Hygiene, and Antibiotics
  3. Aberdeen's Second Rite: Internal Biology, Surgeries, Transplants, and Regenerative Therapy
  5. Aberdeen's Third Rite: Poisons, Curses, Terminal Illnesses, and Maladies of the Brain
  7. Aberdeen's Fourth Rite: Decomposition, Autopsies, Time of Death, Necrolysis, and Soul Dissipation
  9. Aberdeen's Fifth Rite: Limb and Organ Regrowth, Genetics, Eugenics, Cross-Species Augmentations, Soul Transplants, Soulstitching, and The Supersoldier Gene
  11. Aberdeen's Sixth Rite: Death, Rebirth, and the Blessed Machine
— The Six Rites of Aberdeen as listed in the records of the Lumisterra Institute for Higher Learning
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Devil's Doctor, The Angel of Death, The Director, Aberdeen the Abhorrent, The Monster of the Mortuary
1898 AF 1985 AF 87 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to two fairly well-off highborn parents who lived in Damnadon's Upper Spires, he was raised the son of a nobleman.
Circumstances of Death
He perished unexpectedly due to a heart attack during a routine clinical examination of a recently deceased Shersūra. Foul play was suspected at the time but never conclusively proven.
The Hive-City of Damnadon
Place of Death
Deep in the bowels of the Aberdeen Labs(Named in his honor before his death) at the Lumisterra Institute of Higher Learning
Brown, Thin, Harsh
Short, Black, Combed Over
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Liver spotted and marred by scars and chemical burns. Many expected him to be pale but he was decently fair-skinned
5'8 (1.73m)
Quotes & Catchphrases
Through my rites, I've delivered the greatest insult an enemy can suffer unto Priests and Clerics everywhere - to be rendered obsolete.
Aligned Organization


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