For some, limbo is a wired loophole for souls that are not permitted into the heavens, yet left unclaimed by the Empty. For other, it's the edge of Hell. For the bards, it is a state of mind, when lady muse leaves and you are left half a person for a while.Limbo, sometimes named 'the in-between' is a dimensional plane between the Weave and the Outer Planes, bypassing the Astral Plane entirely. Limbo is reachable only by the souls of the dead, who refuse to answer its nature even when commanded or being scryed upon. All attempts of mortals to cross into Limbo and explore it have resulted in death, with undead creatures left unwilling or incapable to speak of their experiences there.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572
Alternative Name(s)
The in-between
Dimensional plane
Location under
Included Locations