The Discrepancy Military Conflict in Numidius | World Anvil

The Discrepancy

The Discrepancy is a collection of disagreements between the records of Dam Lodir and Dam Tarihr. It is the main source of conflict between the two, and contains every and all disagreements between the two kingdoms. These can vary in severance from wrongful classification of minerals, to the locations and the existence of mythical places and heroes. At the core of the discrepancy, is the Rogue Verse of the Dwarven Saga, an event so controversial it split the Kingdom of Kaz Mekam in two even prior to its fall in 620 AC.

The Conflict


The discrepancy began with the singing of the Rogue Verse in 740 BC. This set several disagreements between the tiegs of Goldenhammer, Goldenaxe and Silverpick, with the later quickly denying any claims of truth to events attributed to them. Goldenaxe and Goldenhammer, however had much to lose with the resolve of the Rogue Verse, and began to lobby against each other.   A silver of hope in preventing the conflict emerged in 617 with the announcement from Kaz Mekam that the discrepancy of the Rogue Verse was fixed, and would be corrected after the next Remembrance of 621. The events of the Battle of the Second Sun and the sinking of Kaz Mekam in 620 with the fixed paragraph not only prevented the houses from reconciliation, but created another point of disagreement about the location in which the city's ruins can be found.


There are several key issues between the nations of Dam Lodir and Dam Tarihr. While starting with the Rogue Verse, most specifically the attribution of lands and noble titles, it grew over the years to include hundreds of other smaller discrepancies as the Dwarven Saga continued to be sung out of tune.   Many scholars and diplomats in dwarven kingdoms and beyond have attempted to solve the conflict, with no success. The discrepancies are usually categorized into minor, worrying and severe. Cases classified as minor usually remain academic, or erupt into small brawls, worrying cases are those that may disrupt trade or cause conflicts outside of the dwarven kingdoms. Severe cases are those that may pit the dwarven kingdoms one against the other in total war, or cause immense destruction to the Prime Material Realm.  

Minor Cases

Visit of the Dragons

There is a disagreement if Rymir visited Kaz Mekam and Neruvion visited Dam Lodir, or the other way around. The visit of Venadora in Kaz Mekam and Xarxius in Dam Lodir is also heavily questioned.   While this clause isn't considered to be major, it does raise to question several trade deals, treaties and agreements made in the past between the dwarves and several surrounding cultures. It is also a source of many local tales, and the cause of many bar brawls.  

Pickaxe Sharpening

Dam Lodir research claims honing stones are the most effective way to sharpen Pickaxes and mining tools, while research of Dam Tarihr indicates wet grinding wheels to be optimal. The is also disagreement on viscosity and density of grinding oils an on sharpening compounds.  

Mushroom Roasting

Dam Lodir tradition is to slow roast their mushrooms over an open fire with seasoning added afterwards, while Dam Tarihr applies seasoning prior to charring inside of a high heat grill oven. The use of herbs is also heavily disputed and while the two seem to agree on the use of mentha since the 11th century, no formal agreement was ever made.  

Vermin Control

Dam Lodir mostly employ the use of traps and hunters to deal with vermin inside their tunnels, while Dam Tarihr use patrols and special fortifications in theirs.  

Mining Footwear

In Dam Lodir, miners are provided with the most comfortable, lightweight and flexible shoes available, while Dam Tarihr provides heavy, steel-toed boots for added protection. Dam Lodir claims their designs improve their miners' stonesense, while Dam Tarihr agrues that the reduced insurance fees alone cover for the slight loss caused by missing few inconsequential veins.  

Structural Reinforcements

Dam Lodir claims that using wooden supports is the most effective way to reinforce ongoing digging of tunnels. Dam Tarihr on the other hand, uses specialized metal supports of varying shapes and lenght. Dam Lodir's method has proven faster, but much more prone to failure or miscalculations. Dam tarihr's method is much more precise, but take much longer to construct.   While Dam Lodir's method requires regular maintenance, it's often cheep as wood is abundant around in the northern parts of their mountains. Dam Tarihr's intricate scaffolding system require very little maintenance, but when it does it is an expensive, complicated ordeal.   The only formally agreed upon ruling is that the use of magic or other supernatural methods to strengthen tunnels is considered abhorrent, cowardly and unbecoming of any dwarven miner.  

Trade Negotiation

Dwarven trade is an impossibly complex topic, and ensuring the much simpler Platinum Standard is up to par guarantees the work of thousands of individuals across the continent. Despite this, the sheer intricacy of dwarven society with trade means those negotiations disagreements mostly affect only their interactions with dwarves living outside the kingdoms.   Dam Lodir claims that induced scarcity and a hard bargaining approach are required to ensure the sustainability of the dwarven trade, while Dam Tarihr argues for a more conciliatory and open market approach.   There are also differing opinions on the use of intermediaries or outside mediators to facilitate negotiations. Not regarding their absolute necessity, but on other subjects such as the design of their beard braids or the materials of their shoes.  

Worrying Cases


Dam Lodir makes its ale with a strong, irony flavor. Fermented soil is also commonly used to enhance taste and texture, usually added between the 34th and 56th boils. Dam Tarihr produce their ale from a different strain of mushroom, that tastes sweeter, and slightly more maltier taste. The use of soil is also different as it is fermented for a few decades longer, and is added in in the 15th boil. The end result is a much more pungent odor and a lighter, clearer color.   Both Dam Lodir and Dam Tarihr agree that proper whiskey should be aged no less than 390 years, stored in barrels made out of elven grown oak and must never be spilled in vain. Each of the two nations therefor stores their ale and whiskey side by side inside the same secured facility, and under extremely heavy guard, in order to deter the other from causing the loss of the last few handfuls of tens of thousand of barrels that survived the aftermath of the Battle of the Second Sun.  

Mining Efficiency

Dam Lodir claims explosives are the most efficient way to mine, blasting entire caverns into small chunks in controlled blasts. Dam Tarihr on the other hand, prefer to use traditional methods of stonesense, pickaxes and shovels.   There are also conflicting opinions on whether it is better to split tunnels to follow veins of ore or to simply search for pockets of ore throughout already proven shafts. With both nations refusing to publish their mining reports since 362 AC from fear of being used as propaganda by the other, neither claims can be proven.  

Beard Grooming

Dam Lodir claims beards should be kept natural, long and well-groomed, for added filtering underground. Dam Tarihr often maintain a slightly shorter, often braided, and arguably more practical style. While dwarves of Dam Tarihr usually use of oils, balms, and other grooming products for beards, it is by those of Dam Lodir considered childish and as clear Vintian influence.  

Exported Mining Equipment & Maintenance

Dam Lodir claims regular cleaning and oiling is sufficient and the most effective way to care for exported equipment, while Dam Tarihr requires buyers to periodically submit their purchases for thorough repair and maintenance procedures. There are also differing opinions on the use of specialized tools and techniques for maintaining equipment outside of the localized workshops with Dam Tarihr exporting most tools and supplies required to support remote workshops, while Dam Lodir rarely send more than a few spare parts, if any at all.   To non-dwarves, this disagreement is mostly irrelevant, as mining equipment sold by both are already considered to be second to none but themselves. It is also very common for such equipment to include a warranty agreement spanning several generations of the manufacturing teig.  

Icespire Discrepancy

The Rogue Verse claims three different possibilities to the fate of the Icespire territory between 800 BC and 700 BC. According to Kaz Mekam, the mountain was secured by the entire kingdom. According to Dam Tarihr it was liberated from orcs and returned to the Silverpick Teig. This is the only remaining discrepancy related to house silverpick that is still debated.  

The Brightrock Lands

In the Rogue Verse, Brightrock Tieg receives a different piece of land according to each of the three versions. While the given area remains the same, depending on the location, the tieg would be required to pay compensations, invest in expensive stonecunning or trade away their entire possessions for several generations to fund the required surveys and excavations.   The Brightrock teig is also sponsored by the Silverpick teig, and has close alliance with Goldenaxe teig. This also means the teig is more lenient towards their version of the Saga, which provides them with an ample series of natural caves near the Northern Amadels.

The Underdark

The caverns of the Underdark has been the heart of many debates, conflicts and dwarven wars throughout their history. Either against threats of the underdark itself or simply warring within themselves trying to decide on how to act about it. While both nations agree the underdark is a pest filled horror, their approach to interacting with it is entirely different.   Dam Lodir exterminate any and all evidence of life within the underdark, harmful or beneficial. The kingdom claims that any shred of the underdark that remains will fester and grow into a new one. Dam Lodir is actively, and regularly sending its legions to seek and exterminate threats before they clash with their mining forces. This put Dam Lodir at war with any sub dwelling society, such as the Drow and the Durgar.   Dam Tarihr employ a more cautious approach in its interaction with the underdark. While it does not recognize the rights, or existence, of its dwellers, it does not seek their immediate destruction. Instead, the kingdom simply reacts to threats as they arise. Despite this cautions approach, the kingdom is known to act with intense force when the inhabitants of the underdark clashes with their miners.  

Severe Cases

The Paragons of War

There are three dwarves in the Rogue Verse who where declared as Paragons of War, Kaz Mekam Archives declared Udrok Velsmith, Dam Lodir declared Torag Stoneshave and Dan Tarihr declared Dogan Moonsilver. All three were respected denizens of their declaring city, and all three are attributed to the same act, the heroic closing of the Gates of Jormir during the 720 BC Seige of Jormir.   This disagreement puts in question the legality of three different noble teigs, their entire line's integrity and that of their associates. With spending centuries backing their claims, any side who backs down now will be considered as a fraud. All three teigs have been stuck in a legal limbo barring them from certain privileges due to their contested status. Since 620 AC, Velsmith Teig lobbied at both sides, mostly to ensure the statuesque, as it can also lose its provided lands and fief if either sides were to win.  

The Everdeep & The Maw

The Everdeep is an ancient myth, and the supposed slumber place of the immortal macina that maintains the plane. The discovery of the Maw added an unexpected twist to the myth, by suggesting a possible route.   Dam Lodir act in complete secrecy about their expeditions, claiming the maw presents an unprecedented threat to the Prime Material and that all information on it should be kept in secret to prevent it from being used to cause harm.   Dam Tarihr on the other hand, operates a joint task force and several think tanks together with its neighboring nations who also have interest in unlocking its mysteries. While all nations who cooperate on the project keep their fair share of secrecy from one another, they periodically release updates to the scientific communities about their discoveries.  

Location of Kaz Mekam

With the sinking of Kaz Mekam in 620 AC, so did it archive, and along with those so did the fixed paragraph that should have circumvented the Rogue Verse. Since the entire city descended down as a whole and then buried by the falling debris, the paragraph itself, if stored properly, should have survived.   With Kaz Mekam containing the correct paragraph, both the Kingdom of Dam Lodir and Dam Tarihr began a race to the theoretical location of the city's final resting location. The two nations calculated two different paths, with a divergence of less than 0.002 percent between them. While small, this means their final position would be several kilometers apart, and with both aware that the one who finds the city first will also the one to dictate the fate of both, the stakes are extremely high.  

Mes Boldahr

The nation of Mes Boldahr, located deep under the Amadel Mountains has closed its gates to the rest of the dwarves and the world sometime between 1,000 BC and 900 BC for unknown reasons.   Dam Lodir claims the secular nation might wish to rekindle its relations, and operate several digs through the collapsed Deep Roads to its supposed location. Dam Tarihr repeatedly warns that without the history that was lost in Kaz Mekam, such endeavors are foolish and far too risky to act. Dam Tarihr also actively enforce a harsh ban on everything that is related to Mes Boldahr or attempts to resurface it.  

The Unsync

Dam Lodir sings their Saga with a low, D3 (re), while Dam Tarihr sings their Saga in the slightly higher E3 (mi). While the discrepancy in tone is slight, it causes the Tarihran Saga to be faster from the Lodirian one by 1/384th of a second. This causes a time differential in most trade standards across Edora.   The two nations cooperate to ensure a unified time system is kept in balance, but it was also used in the past as means of political leveraging and propaganda. There were even attempts to disrupt the sync entirely, and while they all failed, the representations were severe recessions, as deals, trades and even gifts had to be recalled or be undone.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572
Conflict Type
Political Debate
Battlefield Type
Start Date
30th of Erlspri, 740 BC
Ending Date
Conflict Result



Bureaucratic Forces

accountants x3,966
counters x15,897

Production Forces

Lead Producer
Htepins Mudsone
Lead Director
Martin Stonescree

Archive Forces

scriptwriters x10,022
runators x162
assemblers x25,281
conductors x160
performers x1,600

Logistical Forces

stonecutters x5,187
mushrom wranglers x9,514
brewmaster x22,694

Combatant Forces

Allegiances x8
Mechanicas x6

Observant Force

Gourd Goldenaxe
Tobis Velsmith

Bureaucratic Forces

4,355x accountants
22,681x counters

Production Forces

Lead Producer
Htepins Mudsone
Lead Director
Martin Stonescree

Archive Forces

11,001x scriptwriters
108x runators
26,312x assemblers
220x conductors
2,200x performers

Logistical Forces

6,677x stonecutters
5,823x mushrom wranglers
18,512x brewmaster

Combatant Forces

6x Allegiances
3x Mechanicas

Observant Force

Belvin Goldenhammer
Grog Velsmith



Reaching the ruins of Kaz Mekam first, and assuring their version of the Dwarven Saga is the one to be implemented when the Rogue Verse is resolved.
Reaching the ruins of Kaz Mekam first, and assuring their version of the Dwarven Saga is the one to be implemented when the Rogue Verse is resolved.


  • Region - Amadel Mountains


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