Niulla Character in Nune | World Anvil
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Niulla the Banshee Queen is a neutral goddess of death. It is said that all banshees are her servants, which are sent to keen in the presence of those who are about to die, or sometimes those who are about to lose a loved one. It is said that the appearance of a banshee is to help guide troubled souls to the afterlife peacefully. Niulla has a great disdain for the undead - she seeks to lay every deceased soul and body to rest, and undeath is an aberration in the natural cycle of the world.


Niulla is said to appear as a pale, floating woman wrapped in black robes, with a hood pulled over her head and face. Her lips are blue, and her presence is said to drop the temperate of the area to below freezing.  


As a part of the Eight Divines. Niulla is worshipped in most human societies as the primary deity of death.  

Holy Symbol

The symbol of Niulla is a black lily. It is said that black lily's will grow on the grave of those who Niulla has safely guided to the afterlife.
Alignment: Neutral
Power Level: Lesser Deity
Domains (3.5e): Repose, Protection, Cold, Travel.


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