Seamouth Settlement in Nune | World Anvil
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Seamouth is a large trade and port city on the coast of Vairea, located at the mouth of the Antilin Channel.  


Seamouth is a dense city. The city proper is surrounded by stone walls, but the city has long since outgrown them, with many less densely packed houses spreading out beyond them. Inside the walls are many winding cobble streets between stone brick houses with blue or red tiled roofs. During the day the streets are often quite busy, especially around the gates, market, and dock areas.


The city of Seamouth is governed House Brightburn. The city is run by a council, it's members consisting of nobles and prominent guild heads.


The law in Seamouth is enforced by the Red Combs, a militia under the employ of House Brightburn.

As is the case in any city where the Vairean Flame have a presence, there is also a strong presence of the Flame's militia near the docks, making sure there is no theft of merchandise and enforcing their taxes on goods.  


The city is loosely divided into several wards or districts.

The North Gate


The East Gate

  • Furled Jib. A small back-alley tavern which serves as a front for the Seamouth Thieve's Guild.

The River Docks


The Sea Docks

Places of Note

  • The Eagle's Wing. A middle-class inn on the edge of the Sea Docks Ward, nearer to the center of the city.

The Merchant District

The Merchant District is located between the Sea Docks and the River Docks. This is where the majority of the trade in the city is conducted. Much of the goods that are brought in from the docks are brought here to be bought, sold and traded. It is here that the Vairean Flame has its headquarters in the city.

Places of Note

The High Quarters

The High Quarters are a walled district located in the north-east corner of the city. The walls of the high district are 10 foot walls of granite, with ornate gates of polished steel. Inside are the residences of the nobles and the other wealthiest residents of Seamouth. There are many walled estates, with wide spacious mansions and extravagant gardens. Inside you can also find several well groomed parks, fountains, and shrines to the Eight.
Entrance to the High Quarters is guarded by the Red Combs. Entry is only permitted to residence or people's deemed rich, powerful or important enough to be worth of walking among the elite of Seamouth.

Places of Note

  • The Rose and Crown. The most expensive and luxurious place to stay in the city.
  • Stoneskin Keep. The largest structure in the city, and the home of the Brightburn family.

The Civil District


The Hovels

Large city
30 000
Included Locations

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