Thalanil Aetoris Character in Nune | World Anvil
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Thalanil Aetoris

Thalanil Aetoris is a powerful lich imprisoned in Mortuem.  


In life, Thalanil was a Chromadian elf of noble blood. He was a proud person, and it distressed him to see his people without a home after the Demonic Incursion. As such, he decided to found the city of Palanthia to be a new home for the Chromadian elves. The city grew and prospered over the next couple hundred years, and it became a sight of great arcane significance for research and learning.

As Thalanil grew old, his dreams became plagued with visions of a disaster coming to Palanthia. He saw his city was to be destroyed, and became paranoid and unstable trying to figure out how and when this calamity would occur. Unable to discern the nature of this coming doom, he decreed that all arcane research be halted, and closed the gates of the city, allowing none to enter or to leave. Months passed, and as Thalanil sat in wait he fell terribly ill. Terrified that he would die before this unknown calamity came, he began to desperately seek out ways to preserve his life, so that he could be there to defend his home. He scoured the cities libraries and questioned all its top researchers and healers, but it appeared none could save him. He turned then to the underbelly of the city, those who practiced darker magics that were perhaps less than legal. It was then that he met the man Corvus Brellow, who claimed he could cure Thalanil of his ailment and extend his life with a powerful ritual. On the 3rd of October, 329 A.C., they attempted an unknown ritual in the Tower of Allsight.

The ritual went wrong, and killed everyone in the city, transforming them into undead. Thalanil was killed as well, and was transformed into a powerful lich.

When the city was sealed by a group of adventurers, they made their way to the Tower of Allsight and battled Thalanil. Unable to slay him due to the unknown nature of his phylactery, the heroes trapped Thalanil by piercing his chest with a crystal sword, sealing him in an emerald prison.

Thalanil is still "alive", yet dormant within his confines. His mind is constantly reaching out around him, seeking for ways to be freed so he can unleash his wrath upon the world.
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