Mortuem Settlement in Nune | World Anvil
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Mortuem is a city of undead on the western slopes of the Golden Peaks. The city was cursed long ago and all of it's inhabitants turned into an assortment of ghouls, zombies, skeletons and other rarer undead creatures such as ghosts and vampires. Most of the residents of the city are forced to remain inside due to the nature of the curse, though over the years certain individuals have discovered ways to escape, usually for a price.


Mortuem is a bleak city, in a constant state of darkness due to the swirling black clouds overhead. The streets are dimly illuminated by ever-burning lanterns with a yellow flame. The architecture of the city is that of the Chromadian Elves, elaborate stone spires and houses withe elegant balconies, smoothly paved stone brick roads. The elegance of the architecture makes for an eerie comparison the the denizens living inside of it.


Mortuem's original name was Palanthia, and was built nearly 1100 years ago by a group of Chromadian Elves, who sought to create a new homeland for their people after the loss of Chromadia in the Demonic Incursion. The group was led by an elf named Thalanil Aetoris, a descendant of the royal family of Chromadia.

Over the next couple hundred years, the city grew and prospered, becoming a site of great arcane learning and research. Many wizards and scholars traveled there to study in the growing libraries and to learn the new magics being developed there.

As Thalanil grew old, it is said that he began to grow paranoid of a second calamity that would ruin the new home that he had built. He began rambling about visions and dreams of the city in ruin, and a powerful being who would come to destroy it all. Unable to discern the nature of this coming doom, he decreed that all arcane research be halted, and closed the gates of the city, allowing none to enter or to leave. Months passed, and as Thalanil sat in wait he fell terribly ill. Terrified that he would die before this unknown calamity came, he began to desperately seek out ways to preserve his life, so that he could be there to defend his home. He scoured the cities libraries and questioned all its top researchers and healers, but it appeared none could save him. He turned then to the underbelly of the city, those who practiced darker magics that were perhaps less than legal. It was then that he met the man Corvus Brellow, who claimed he could cure Thalanil of his ailment and extend his life with a powerful ritual. On the 3rd of October, 329 A.C., they attempted an unknown ritual in the Tower of Allsight.

It is unknown whether Corvus knew what he was doing, or if something went terribly wrong, but the ritual did much more than was promised. A blast of necrotic energy ripped through the entire city, killing all living creatures that it passed through instantly, and transforming them into a variety of undead creatures. A plume of black clouds swirled out from the tower and blanketed the sky over the entire city. Finally, the ritual twisted the mind of Thalanil until it snapped, and the necrotic energy transformed him into a powerful lich.

Word of this event traveled quickly to the nearby peoples of L'Anth and Vairea, as well as the gnomes of Hosgreep and the wizards of Starsent. Already many of the newly created undead were wandering out of the city and making their way towards the nearest settlements on a path of destruction. In order to prevent their spread, a response team was quickly put together to make their way past the spreading hordes and install arcane artifacts designed by the Hosgreep gnomes around the perimeter of the city. The artifacts generate a barrier that prevents undead beings from passing through.


The inhabitants of Mortuem are all undead. The majority are mindless zombies or "husks" as they are sometimes called. Many have rotted away and turned into skeletons. A large amount of the inhabitants did retain some amount of sentience, though many have slowly gone mad over the years. The city is a place of chaos, since the majority of its inhabitants are mindless or insane.


Several of the more powerful undead in the city have formed factions and they all fight over power and territory.
Founding Date
152 A.C.
Alternative Name(s)

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