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Ikorsuk police force

The police of Ikorsuk were chartered in 5.854, merging the Night Watch, whose role was then that of thief-takers, and the Court of Public Morals, who were primarily reponsible for pursuing 'vice' crimes -gambling, sale and consumption of intoxicants, graffiti and other acts likely to "offend public decency". Both institutions had a reputation for corruption and crime was rampant within the city. The new police force was initially tasked with investigating and dismantling the Watch and the Court, and - later - with maintaining public safety and order.   Replacing two profoundly corrupt institutions, the police force placed a heavy emphasis on morality, such that it became intertwined in law, with heavier penalties levied against acts of "immorality in the first order" - eg: theft, drunkenness - than acts of "immorality in the second order" - anything which was regarded as an symptom of a primary immoralty.   The police force is headed by the Overseer, who reports to the Civil Director - an elected position in the Ikorsuk government. Elections are held every seven years, with candidates picked from the police and clergy.   Officially, the police's authority ends at the city wall; they may be seen patrolling the suburbs where their presence is intended as a watchful presence to the law-abiding and deterrent to those less-sociably inclined.


The progression of ranks is as follows:    
  1. Cadet
  2. Inspector
  3. Senior Inspector
  4. First Inspector
  5. Candidate Chief Inpector
  6. Assistant Chief Inspector
  7. Chief Inspector
  8. Overseer
  Applicants to the police spend two years as a Cadet, studying religion, morality and philosophy, as well as unarmed combat and police procedure, before graduating to Inspector and being assigned to work alongside more senior officers in the field. After two years, they may take an exam to become a Senior Inspector.   At First Inspector, a police officer may begin to formaly specialise in certain types of crime, and may supervise new recruits. Chief Inspectors  are responsible for a district, assisted by members of the two sub-Chief ranks. The Overseer is responsible for the whole city


The current Overseer takes the position that vice can be rooted out before it begins. Accordingly, the police are keen to identify and deal with minor infractions before they become major issues, as well as with stopping the import of "moral antagonists" into the city.

Public Agenda

To preserve the moral, spiritual, and physical welbeing of the city by rooting out corruption within the government, and ensuring all citizens and visitors uphold the laws and do not lead each other into immorality.

Pure heart, pure thought, pure deed

Civil Services
Alternative Names
Ikorsuk moral authority

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Aug 6, 2024 19:30 by Zero Sum Games

A nice article! Given that Ikorsuk is a "party city" I imaging the police are busy!