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The capital of Ileqia, Ikorsuk's reputation as a party city is almost unbeliveable to their neighbours in Helia.   The forests of the Qan'ŭll'i highlands were cleared for farmland in the late Fourth Age, following the success of the Nugŭk irrigation system. Roads and safeways were established across the highlands, and the large predators of region were driven out. Ikorsuk grew beyond its walls and the new districts began to attract artists, poets, potters, and musicians from across the Theolisian peninsula.   Outside of the city walls - and, therefore, the city ordinances - music venues and drinking establishments grew like mushrooms, and Ikorsuk now has more recreational venues per capita than anywhere else in Iasteron.  

Hole-in-the-wall clubs

Now a tourist attraction, hole-in-the-wall clubs were originally an effort to take advantage of a legal loophole. Built into the wall, in repurposed guard and store rooms, they were technically sited outside the city limits, where licensing laws - among others - did not apply.   While some retain their 'spit and sawdust' roots, many others have given in to the lucrative tourist market and carefully cultivate an air of menace by employing bouncers and even staging fights for out-of-town patrons.  

Musical improv

With musicians from all over the peninsula coming together, Ikorsuk has developed an eclectic musical culture which is still rooted in Kimiut musical tradition. Four to six musicians will play successive sets, picking up where the previous musician left off, improvising and developing themes within the music to manage the energy of the crowd.
Large city

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