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Qan'ŭll'i highlands

In the middle of Ileqia, the Qan'ŭll'i highlands are highlands only by comparison to the surrounding country.   Thanks to the Nugŭk irrigation system, the highlands comprise of rich and fertile farmland, and allowed Ikorsuk, the Ileqian to grow grew from a market town to a major culural centre.   Both Ikorsuk and the surrounding villages enjoy a long-lived peace and prosperity rare in many other parts of the world, and have developed a culture rich in arts and recreation - Qanʼŭllʼian is a byword for people of an artistic or literary bent, or those with an easygoing and unflustered approach to life.   Adding to the sense of peace and generally laid-back culture of the region, the weather is mild and there are no large predators. A developed road and canal network enables people to travel with relative comfort, and the shrines alongside both road and waterway offer safety from arcane predators.


Summers in the region average arond 20C, only dropping to -4C in the winter - balmy temperatures for the indigenous yutaaq.   The highlands receive less rain than the coast and, by the time they have moved inland, the storms have largely spent their worst and arrive as soft rains and gentle breezes.

Fauna & Flora

The region is intensely cultivated and devoid of large predators - systematic woodland clearance in the Fourth Age and sustained hunting, both for meat and to protect settlements and farmland, ultimately drove away the indigenous gigafauna. As of the tenth century of the Fifth Age, nothing larger than wolves predate livestock in the region.



Qanʼŭllʼi comes from the old Taqut, and means "pillow of Ll'i" - the soft earth and gently undulating land are beieved to have been the bed of the Fourth Age giant Ll'i.
Location under

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