the Oqat riot Military Conflict in Núreht | World Anvil
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the Oqat riot

In the aftermath of the Pŭlle flood of 5.921, approximately one-third of the 40,000 refugees from Ileqia fled to higher ground, including across the border with Lephidia.   Lephidia, whose coastal towns and villages had also been affected by the flooding, were initially willing to welcome the displaced Ileqians, but as the number of refugees approached ten thousand, the their army to manage the influx. Concerns about crime, disease, and looting led to a heavy-handed approach towards and suspicion of the traumatised refugees, many of whom had been separated from their families and were sick due to contact with the floodwaters.   Aid stations and receptions were set up, but proved wholly inadequate for the number of people. As parts of Lephidia began to flood, the refugees refused to stay in low-lying areas and headed towards the uplands and further inland. Upon reaching the town of Oqat, the local Ledan, Ledan-General __family_name__ of the Oqat Fusiliers, responded by funnelling refugees into the main square, which they had directed to be barricaded.   When the refugees realised that they have been corralled, they attempted to break down the barricade. The army retaliated by firing into the air and the ensuing panic led to a crush that killed 78 people, though some survivors say that a number of the dead were shot by soldiers.   It remains unclear who - if anyone - gave the order to fire. Ledan-General __family_name__ was elected to head the refugee operation in Oqat despite referring to the refugees as 'a second flood' and 'an invading army'. They have denied this criticism, and the criticism of their troops, stating that their soldiers were operating in fear for their lives, and the lives of their families, as Oqat itself began to flood. In reality, Oqat suffered minor flood damage but significant damage to buildings during the riot.   All of the surviving refugees have since retuned to Ileqia, and a closed-court enquiry into the Oqat event is still ongoing.
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