the Pŭlle flood Physical / Metaphysical Law in Núreht | World Anvil
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the Pŭlle flood


In the spring of 5.921, during the festival of Pŭlle, a combination of abnormally high rainfall in the highlands and storms from the Kolokolou ocean caused the Nugŭk river to burst its banks, flooding and city of Anguitsut and the farmland and low-lying villages between Anguitsut and Namakakatuut. Many coastal and fishing villages were completely destroyed. In Anguitsut, the flood defences failed and the city was overcome. Of the 57,000 affected residents, approximately 12,000 people drowned, with a further 5,500 succumbing to disease, starvation, or exposure in the following weeks. Many of the bodies were never found, either washed out to sea, buried in mud, or eaten by animals.  



The displaced residents attempted to move to higher ground. Many crossed into Lephidia, resulting in the mobilisation of the army, originally in an attempt to help the refugees and prevent looting, but later - as the floodwaters continued to rise and the extent of Lephidia's own suffering became known - this became an effort to prevent people crossing the border, leading to an additional 78 deaths in what is now known as the Oqat riot.  


Many of the Ileqian coastal villages were lost entirely, while others were reduced beyond viability and the survivors either never returned or relocated in the following months. The area continues to suffer economically, with the total collapse of the coastal industries. Anguitsut city centre has been reclaimed, the harbour restored, and the flood defences rebuilt. The affected farmland has been returned to use, but bodies are still being recovered from the mud and the shells of ruined homesteads remain untouched due to local taboos about gravesites. Ghosts, especially those of children, are now a common sight at crossroads, and reports of risen and returning un-dead are treated with credibility and all due seriousness.

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