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Dataran is the capital of The Hantu Tribe that sits upon the highest edge of the Tahun nol plateau. It is home to mainly members of the Hantu tribe and a few outsiders who live on the outskirts of town. This is the main ritual place for contacting spirits for the tribe and where the Jiwa family lives.


Common races of Dataran are Wood Elves, Bugbears, Kalashatar, Gnomes, and Aasimar. There are also members of other races around from other islands. Ratios are 40% Wood Elves, 15% Aasimar, 15% Bugbear, 10% Kalashatar, 10% Gnomes, 10% Other.


The town is run under the government of The Hantu Tribe

Industry & Trade

This settlement stays afloat through trading with many smaller villages on the plateau and off of it.


The infrastructure here is not great, they have many cave systems that run under the town that allow them to access clean underground water through many wells. They have built sturdy wooden buildings that keep them sheltered in the swampy plateau.


The town has many stores where you can buy herbs and other crafting materials of that sort. This also includes weird spell casting materials. Finding any kind of industry like a blacksmith is going to be difficult here. They also have the basics like an inn and tavern.

Points of interest

The Lift of Waktu

The lift of Waktu is one way to enter the city, it is an ancient stone elevator that people operate to get large armies or caravans onto the plateau.

Waterfall Cave

Another way to enter the city is through a cave entrance behind a waterfall. It's a less traveled route and it's a small cave so only small groups of people can go through that way. Additionally it's easy to get lost in the cave system although you will pop out somewhere eventually.

Penyucian Canyon

The most common path to enter the city and plateau, it's a canyon that enters into the plateau but slowly winds and makes its way upward.


All of the buildings are built out of wood with stone foundations. The trees in the area are all of a darker wood color giving the buildings a deep dark brown with green leaf rooftops.
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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