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Sparky - Master Gunner

Sparky, the master gunner and is a boisterous, stout dwarf with a gruff demeanor and a voice that carries over the chaos of battle like a cannon blast. His robust frame is covered in soot and grime from working tirelessly in the ship's armory, where he tends to the cannons and the array of explosive devices he's crafted himself. His most notable feature is the massive cannon backpack strapped to his back, a customized contraption that’s both a marvel of engineering and a testament to his slightly unhinged love for big booms. Sparky is as loud as he is inventive, with a laugh that rumbles like thunder and a temper that flares as brightly as his gunpowder. His beard, singed at the edges from numerous close calls, is braided with bits of metal and small trinkets he’s picked up over the years. His eyes, hidden beneath thick eyebrows and a pair of soot-stained goggles, gleam with a manic energy whenever he talks about his beloved cannons and explosives.   Sparky has a surprisingly laid-back attitude—unless someone questions his methods or mishandles his equipment, in which case they’ll get an earful. A bit lazy when it comes to anything outside his immediate interest, he’s often found lounging with a cigar between his teeth, puffing away contentedly while tinkering with a new explosive device or polishing his prized cannons. He’s known to nap in the middle of the day, his cannon backpack doubling as a makeshift pillow, but when the call to battle comes, Sparky is all fire and fury, unleashing his devastating arsenal with a gleeful cackle.   Though his grumbling and stubbornness can be infuriating, the crew knows Sparky’s bark is worse than his bite. He’s fiercely loyal to his shipmates and has a soft spot for anyone brave enough to listen to his endless tales of past battles and near misses. His love for cigars is rivaled only by his love for his cannons, and he’s never without a half-smoked one tucked behind his ear, ready to light up after the smoke of battle has cleared.


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