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Throck - Helmsman

Throck, the orc helmsman, is an imposing figure in stature and presence. Standing over six and a half feet tall, with broad shoulders and a chiseled frame, Throck's dark grey-blue skin blends with the shadows of the ship’s deck, making him a quiet, looming sentinel. His hair, as dark as the stormy seas, is pulled back tightly into a man bun, and a simple, weathered sash of deep crimson wraps around his waist and shoulder, the only color he allows himself. His face is almost always expressionless — stoic and unreadable, giving away nothing of the turmoil that lingers beneath the surface.   Though Throck rarely speaks, his silence is not one of indifference but of necessity. His eyes, hard and sharp like flint, observe everything — the weather, the crew, the ever-changing sea. He communicates with subtle nods or gestures, guiding the ship with an almost preternatural connection to the water. The helm feels like an extension of his being, and when he takes the wheel, he becomes part of the ship, steering her through the most treacherous waters with calm precision.   Throck’s stoicism is the result of deep history. The scars that crisscross his back, jagged and brutal, tell part of the story — years spent as a slave to a cruel pirate lord who forced him into hard labor. His life was filled with violence and bloodshed, enduring countless beatings and watching comrades fall around him, but somehow, Throck survived. The scars, both physical and emotional, have left him constantly on edge, always in survival mode. He finds little solace in the chaotic world of land, but at sea, behind the helm, he feels an unshakable sense of security. The ocean’s vastness offers him something land never could: freedom.   Despite his trauma, Throck is unwaveringly reliable. Though he never talks, he has earned the trust of Captain Thandor and the crew. They understand his silence isn’t a sign of weakness but rather a sign of the strength it took to endure, to survive. Throck listens more than he speaks, and his presence is both intimidating and oddly reassuring.   Throck's past is a dark tale, one he keeps locked away in the recesses of his mind. As a younger orc, he was captured during a raid on his village by slavers working for a ruthless pirate lord known as Gruk Stoneblood. He was forced into years of brutal servitude aboard Gruk’s ship, used for his strength but denied his dignity. Beaten, chained, and worked to exhaustion, Throck witnessed countless atrocities and was forced to participate in some, though he resisted as much as he could. He learned the art of sailing, navigation, and survival not from instruction but from sheer necessity. Many nights, he considered escape or mutiny, but the ocean was vast, and the pirate lord’s reach was long.   Eventually, a chance for escape came when Gruk’s ship was caught in a violent storm. Throck seized the moment, throwing his oppressors overboard and guiding the ship through the storm. For the first time, he was free — but at the cost of countless souls. The experience left him emotionally numb, yet something about being at sea allowed him to focus, to breathe.   For years, Throck sailed alone, avoiding contact with others until the ship found him adrift, half-dead, on a derelict ship. Captain Thandor, recognizing the orc’s potential and the haunted look in his eyes, offered him a place aboard his ship. Throck accepted, and though he rarely engages with the crew, he has formed an unspoken bond with them, particularly the captain, who respects Throck's past without prying.   As the helmsman, Throck is responsible for steering the ship under the boatswains direction, navigating through perilous waters and ensuring the ship’s safe passage. His uncanny ability to read the sea, anticipate storms, and find the safest routes has saved the crew on more than one occasion. When he takes the helm, he’s in his element — steady, focused, and almost serene. His grip on the wheel is like iron, and he can steer through the harshest conditions with a calm that belies the turbulence of his mind.   Beyond steering, Throck assists with heavy lifting and repairs, his strength making him an invaluable asset during tough tasks. He is often the first to act in emergencies, his survival instincts sharp and unfaltering. Though he avoids direct confrontation, if provoked, Throck’s brute strength is terrifying to behold, and his fighting skills, honed during years of servitude, are lethal.   Throck keeps to himself, rarely seen in the mess hall or engaging in shipboard banter. He often sits at the helm or in quiet corners, staring out at the ocean, lost in thought. However, he is fiercely protective of the ship and its crew, though he would never say so outright. His loyalty runs deep, but it is expressed in actions rather than words. When he does meet the gaze of his fellow crew members, there is an unspoken understanding — they may not know his full story, but they know enough to respect him.


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