The Holy Antum Empire

Geopolitical, Empire

  • 2259 BCE

    The Antum Kingdom is founded

    Additional timelines
  • 1527 BCE

    The Antum Kingdom is overthrown and replaced with the Antum Republic

    Additional timelines
  • 174 BCE

    150 BCE

    The Feywar
    Military: War

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  • 132 BCE

    15 /3

    The Antum Republic falls

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  • 81 BCE

    16 /1

    The Antum Empire is Founded

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  • 1 CE

    1 /1

    The Imperial Calendar is established
    Political event

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  • 192 CE

    18 /7

    The Great Fire of Antum
    Disaster / Destruction

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  • 936 CE

    28 /10

    Emperor Callerian changes faith
    Religious event

    Emperor Callerian changes from a paladin of Valtyr to a paladin of Solanthur.

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  • 1185 CE

    The Antum Empire falls

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  • 2400 CE

    The Floren Kingdom becomes the Floren Empire
    Political event

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  • 2529 CE

    The Floren Empire breaks up
    Political event

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  • 2886 CE

    The Holy Antum Empire is founded

    Additional timelines


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