History of Elyndel

In his work, "Song of Cycles”, the late, great poet Haemon named the first five eras of Elyndel's history; later eras have been given names by the Anatum Empire. Each era lasting 2,159 years, at which point all planetary bodies in the solar system synchronize with their original positions at the dawn of creation. This event is known as the Harmonic Convergence, and signifies the transition into a new era.

The Silver Age

8640 BCE 6481 BCE

The Silver Age began with the Great Flood. It saw the structure of seasons, and the creation of agricultural practices leading to increased labor and the necessity of shelter.

  • 8640 BCE

    17 Frostheart
    8600 BCE

    13 Midsummer

    The Great Flood
    Geological / environmental event

  • 8640 BCE

    26 Frostheart

    The Island of Kryonis Sinks into the sea
    Geological / environmental event

  • 8640 BCE

    20 Rainspring
    8600 BCE

    13 Dawnthaw

    Sker Gylden, Faelinn, and Arwyndon break off from the mainland and drift into the North Sea
    Geological / environmental event

  • 8638 BCE

    3 Dawnthaw

    Llydynys sinks into the North Sea
    Geological / environmental event

The Heroic Age

4320 BCE 2161 BCE

The Heroic Age was a time of legendary conflict between powerful forces of divine good and evil. This era forged many of history's most significant figures.

  • 2259 BCE

    The Antum Kingdom is founded

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The Iron Age

2160 BCE 1 BCE

The Iron Age saw the values of honor and chivalry come into conflict with a sense of "might makes right". Lies made bad people appear to be good.

  • 1527 BCE

    The Antum Kingdom is overthrown and replaced with the Antum Republic

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  • 174 BCE

    150 BCE

    The Feywar
    Military: War

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  • 132 BCE

    15 Dawnthaw

    The Antum Republic falls

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  • 81 BCE

    16 Midwinter

    The Antum Empire is Founded

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The Dark Age

1 CE 2160 CE

  • 1 CE

    1 Midwinter

    The Imperial Calendar is established
    Political event

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  • 192 CE

    18 Midsummer

    The Great Fire of Antum
    Disaster / Destruction

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  • 936 CE

    28 Auburnfall

    Emperor Callerian changes faith
    Religious event

    Emperor Callerian changes from a paladin of Valtyr to a paladin of Solanthur.

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  • 1185 CE

    The Antum Empire falls

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  • 1461 CE

    The Heptarchy of Alwyndon is established
    Political event

The Feudal Age

2161 CE 4320 CE

  • 2379 CE

    The Viking Raids begin
    Military action

    Dwarves of the north begin a campaign of large-scale raiding, colonising, conquest, and trading in northern Elyndel.

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  • 2400 CE

    The Floren Kingdom becomes the Floren Empire
    Political event

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  • 2451 CE

    2529 CE

    The Floren Civil War
    Military: War

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  • 2529 CE

    The Floren Empire breaks up
    Political event

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  • 2553 CE

    The Kingdom of Brynthal is founded

  • 2679 CE

    King Cyrian "the Simple" is crowned as the King of West Floren
    Political event

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  • 2725 CE

    The Kingdom of Brynthal falls to Viking occupation

  • 2754 CE

    16 Crimsonleaf

    The Duchy of Nyrheim is founded

    The viking leader Rolf "Lionheart" lays seige to the capital of Floren and negotiates a deal with the crown to found a dwarven duchy on the northern coast.

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  • 2772 CE

    The Duchy of Nyrheim expands its territory
    Political event
  • 2799 CE

    The Duchy of Nyrheim expands its territory again
    Political event
  • 2826 CE

    Brynthal is re-established as a Floren duchy

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  • 2886 CE

    The Holy Antum Empire is founded

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  • 2961 CE

    Papillon Perrin is elected to lead the new Kingdom of Floren
    Political event

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  • 3081 CE

    Harek "the Magnificent" is crowned as Duke of Nyrheim
    Political event
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