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How anux magic works and history

Anux magic (or powers) are specialised gene mutations that enable any dragons born with these powers either one or more (rare) to cast ‘magic’. After eating a harbinger fruit, the dragon gains a power depending on the fruits colour and its genes are mutated. Its offspring will have the power gene. They permanently alter the genes of a powered dragon. Powers are observed as being more frequent in voltclaws, airclaws and hydraclaws and least in fireclaws. There are 19 known powers varying in ability, rarity and strength. They can also be classed by type.   Anux   Immortality   Enchantion   Multiple lives   Elemental swapping   Prophecy   Time   Future altering   Time path altering   Time travel   Future seeing   Mind   Mind control   Mind reading   Dream visiting   Mind casting   Physical   Shapeshifting   Telekinesis   Teleportation   Invisibility   Extra strength   Levitation   Anux is the most powerful type and immortality/enchantion are the most powerful and rarest power. Levitation is the most common and least powerful. Enchantion comes with limitations. It can grant any power to any dragon or object excluding oneself but is limited to each dragon. A dragon with enchantion may have 10 times to use the power before it is used up or any number of times.   A dragon born with any power is rare but it occures more frequently in hybrids and dragons from royal families. The more elements a dragon has the higher chance they have to gain 1 or more powers of course depending on if it is in its genes. The way to tell if a dragon has one or more powers is if it’s egg at 1 week is significantly lighter than the rest or oddly coloured.   Dragons have to say a special phrase to permanently activate the power. Dragons usually discover their powers by going through special tests in schools for each power except for Immortality and Multiple lives. (Dragons with Immortality or Multiple lives can go their entire life without knowing they have it (they don't need to say the activation phrase)). It is usual for dragons to use their power accidentally when learning to use their elemental power as the same area of the brain is used to control both.   In the distant past, schools were opened that accepted dracomancers. They dragons learnt to use their power and were able to train it to their full potential. Enchanted dragons needed very specialised tutors instead of schooling. Immortal dragons didn't have to train their power.   In many dragon species (not including Venom and Light) it was a custom for royals with such powers to be trained to their full potential and give up and transfer their power onto jewellery, or less commonly, weapons. The powered objects would be gifted to the queen/king. Lower ranking dragons could also give their powers to those in the royal family like queens though that was an uncommon practice that mostly took place in the Electric kingdom. The Anux category and higher powers from other categories were most sought after. Dragons refusing to give their power up were subsequently shunned, imprisoned, killed or were cast out of the territory as powers were seen as gifts to the royals and species. Rogue dragons with powers weren’t required to give them up but lived lives of fear and stigma.   Once a dragon gives up the power to an object or other dragon it is usual that a limited weak amount of the same power remains until fully used up (depending on type of power). The object or dragon host would have the power with no limitations depending on the level the power was trained to. Dragons preferred to transfer powers to jewellery as once a dragon wears it they gain the power. Powered objects were extremely valuable and expensive. The dragon with its power taken away can’t be affected again by its own power from the host dragon i.e mind reading.   This custom remained stable for many hundreds of years until after the reign of King Shadetrail. Dragons after whitnessing the damage that came from powered dragons became extremely fearful of them and subsequently destroyed all future eggs that were lighter or coloured differently than usual. Eventually enchanted jewellery was forgotten about and so were the powers as the tradition of destroying light eggs was made to be believed to be a medical problem prevention strategy. Ancient records of powers still exist and so do enchanted objects but most are scattered throughout Nyrogecia.     Dragons confirmed to have powers:   Queen Scorchie-Immortality   King Shadetrail-Enchantion Telekinesis   Queen Scoria-Enchantion   Queen Pitch-Mind control 2   Terminal-Teleportation Dream visiting   Viper-Mind control   Princess Algid-Telekinesis

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