Lightclaws Species in Nyrogecia | World Anvil
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Lightclaws are the creative artisans of Nyrogecia. They value art, beauty and music.

Basic Information


Lightclaws are medium sized, strong dragons found in dry desert areas. They are capable of surviving in very dry locations and can live without water for around a month. The most captivating ability of light dragons is their ability to go up to a week without sleeping. They have padded splayed talons aiding in quicker locomotion over sand and protection from the heat. Lightclaws have specialised ears for better hearing and accurate location of prey. Their beaks enable them to accurately deflesh carcasses (which are usually dried) and their teeth are perfect for slicing. Lightclaws can exhale a very bright light that temporarily or permanently blinds victims and can cause minor radiation poisoning and small burns on scales. Their eyes glow in the dark and they have excellent night vision, enabling them to lead a nocturnal lifestyle as well. They harbour energy from their star and are able to store it to last for days without dormancy however they have a much slower metabolism than other dragons.

Genetics and Reproduction

Presumabely all lightclaws are in fact hybrids of lavaclaws and previous lightclaws during the reign of Shadetrail. Hundreds of prisoners of war (lavaclaws) were released and chose to stay in the light kingdom. This decision caused breeding between the species. After lavaclaws started leaving back to their kingdom, the dragons left were lightclaws 'contaminated' with lavaclaw blood. Soon enough all lightclaws were descendants of hybrids and they now all had a pair of thagomisers on their tail from lavaclaw DNA.

Ecology and Habitats

Dry deserts

Dietary Needs and Habits

Deserters like eating dry seafood imported from waterclaws. They also eat small lizards, camels and other desert animals.


Lightclaws are friendly to those of its species.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Gold or orange/yellow/red markings.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

East of Nyrogecia.

Average Intelligence

Lightclaws are smart. But more focused on creative aspects rather than sceintific.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Good sight   Nocturnal and diurnal   Slow metabolism   Heat resistance   Glowy eyes   Night vision

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Named after things related to light, stars and deserts.

Major Organizations

The Sun and Sand battalion

Beauty Ideals

Females usually groom their manes. Long manes are attractive.

Gender Ideals

It is a custom for married female lightclaws to wear bright jewelry.

Courtship Ideals

Lightclaws are used to marriage between dragons of the same class. Interclass marriage is frowned upon.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Protopirrinic and Pirrinic are the main languages.

Common Taboos

Eating snakes is impure.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Lumnasus deserta
120 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
They tend to be lean and strong.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Beige, white or yellow and rarely orange and grey.
Related Organizations
Trivia: Some lightclaws are born with red or orange scales (lavaclaw genes)

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