Quark Character in Nyrogecia | World Anvil
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Quark Macrothorax (a.k.a. Quack)


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quark has no wings because Scorchie bit them off when she was born.

Facial Features

Has a scar on the left side of her mouth. Scorchie gave it to her while fighting her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Quark was born to Queen Scorchie of the iceclaws and Carl (an electric-water hybrid) in 4180. Straight after hatching in a cave, Scorchie violently ripped her wings off with her jaws. Quark for the next 6 years grew up with her siblings under the control of Scorchie. Unable to fly and having an elemental switch up, Scorchie abused her mentally and physically, ranging from brutal attacks to taunting her about her uselessness. Quark quickly grew to hate herself and Scorchie. She became anxious and terrified of any type of pain inflicted on her. When she was 6, Scorchie forced her and her siblings to fight to the death in a tournament-like setting. Quark eventually killed 2 of her siblings and won. Quark saw her moment to escape and visciously attacked Scorchie, killing her and she left. Quark, now having escaped Scorchie, one day stumbled upon a scientist collecting dragon skull samples. Eldok (the scientist) asked her for help and she agreed all the while intrigued by what he was doing. Eldok invited her to stay in the science intitute and she took the offer in the hopes of finding safety. While in the institute, she slowly bonded with Eldok and became his mate after a few years. She also studied and became a specialist at chemistry. Quark had 3 dragonets, Octavia, Ravi and Wilbur. Octavia and Ravi left the institute to live with Eldok's family as they didn’t see science as a suitable life choice but Wilbur remained. Strangely, Quark was both indifferent and cold but over protective of Wilbur and frequently looked after him. After Eldok signed Wilbur into marriage with Wave (another young lab assistant at the institute) without Quark’s knowledge, she became enraged and since then on had a more passive aggressive relationship with Eldok. This only infuriated her more when she realised Wave had raped Wilbur a day later. Throughout the rest of her years in the institute Quark was in a more passive state of mind. All this would change on the day Scorchie’s fireclaw slaves burnt down the institute in 4207. Quark along with Wilbur survived but she had no idea whether Eldok did as she was quickly detained by the troops. From this day on, Quark resided, chained to a wall in a dark empty room in Scorchie’s palace. Every day, Scorchie visited her and abused her, though only verbally. For 6 years, Quark endured pure monotony. She was denied fresh air and sunlight causing a severe vitamin D deficiency, hallucinations and anorexia. Quark would resort to sleeping for as long as possible. Scorchie constantly told her that all her loved ones were dead and described their supposed deaths in great detail causing immense psychological harm in Quark. In 4213, Quark was freed by Cryogenic. All her remaining energy went into escaping the ice kingdom, that weakened her significantly. Quark then began her quest to find Wilbur again believing he was still alive. She was heard calling out his name by Alabaster who asked her if the Wilbur she was looking for was his mates father. Quark was confused but then described his appearance and Alabaster confirmed it was him. He lead her to the nocturne kingdom where Wilbur and Nova were and they reunited. Quark then continued to follow the group slipping into a depressive state. She was weakened severely by Scorchie so she struggled keeping up with the group.


Quark spent many years studying chemistry at the NRSI


Quark was employed by the NRSI.

Mental Trauma

Quark spent 6 years in solitary confinement at the claws of Queen Scorchie. This got her severly depressed.

Intellectual Characteristics

Quark is pretty smart.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Due to being wingless, like other dragons have no fear of height, Quark is terrified and cautious of it.



mother (Important)

Towards Quark




daughter (Trivial)

Towards Scorchie




mother (Vital)

Towards Wilbur




son (Vital)

Towards Quark





Towards Eldok



Towards Quark

4180 ME 4215 ME 35 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by enchanted spear
Venom kingdom
Place of Death
Void kingdom
Eldok (spouse)
Deep red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark indigo
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Type: INTJ

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Cover image: by mosquito


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