Aleksija Lenkovič

As seen in
Aleksija Lenkovič is an optician and physician in the capital city or Arkadhe (Orkoza, in modern imperial language).   [Everything within the spoiler tags is unknown to all common people and also most Shadow Court members]  
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She is the sutii sušpi of the capital city, the most important member of the Sutii Šifjo, except the head of the organization.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aleksija studied medicine and optics at the Arkadhian Instute of Technology.  
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During her first year at the university, Iličo Sevič, an old faculty professor, noted her intelligence and though she had potential. He probed her morality and uncovered a pragmatic, materialistic and somewhat merciless approach, hidden behind a curtain of kindness and gentle smiles. He was the shadow count at that time and asked her to become a member of the Shadow Court. She accepted.
  She was a brilliant student and many professors and researchers wanted her in their teams, especially to study how to integrate optical devices and magic to construct the ultimate googles, enabling magical sight, but she always refused.  
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Such a life would have interfered much in the other life she was building for herself. She needed a good job with good revenue and far from the spotlight. Before graduating she became sutii oopja, shadow knight, an honorific title in the organization.   An ancient artefact was found in a neighbouring city, but a Wayfarer, a powerful mage, stole it and the Shadow Court declared a manhunt to find him. She pinpointed his location using some repurposed magical optical tools in the institute laboratory and hurried alone to confront him, after dispatching a message to Iličo.   She finally found him in a secondary street and, using her gentle manners and timid behaviours, tricked him into lowering its guard and the first time he turned her his back, she shot him in the head.   After the events, the professor appointed her shadow knight.
  After graduating, she decided to open a private study as physician and optician, where she receives people every other day and she sometimes lends a hand at the hospital too. Her kindness made her much beloved among her patient and colleagues.  
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Eventually, when Iličo died, the Shadow Crown, the head of the Shadow Court, nominated her the new sutii sušpi, for "your constant help of the people in need at the hospital and your utter and unconditioned commitment in dealing with illicit traffics for the benefit of the Empire". Now nothing and nobody can enter or exit the capital city without she knowing it.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2057 TE 39 Years old
Aligned Organization

Imperial Pursuit

  Read about her chase of the wayfarer in this very short novel (less than 650 words).

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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